Stop Funding Israel a Call to Human Rights Commission in Human Rights with No comments Tzipi Livni Arrest Warrant issued in UK. Suddenly it was overturned by an illegal intervention by an unknown person(s) or group(s) within the England Parliament.This is a very clear breach of English law and is also sending a very powerful message to all the politicians who supported CAST LEAD, that they were in fact according to an ENGLISH court complicit by their support in aiding War Crimes against GAZA and the Palestinian civilian population.YES.U heard right, Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, Michael Danby..... in fact every Australian politician who supported the war crimes in GAZA in January 2009 can now be targetted under international law once they leave office under these international gevena conventions and Human Rights laws.I call up the HUMAN RIGHTS commission to set the record straight.Like a good oiled machine the operator tries to handball me away... But not before I get my point across and make him appear as a well trained monkey.Probably the best thing in this phone call is when he admits that Australian Governments have been for many years answerable to the ZIONISTS who are truly in charge.Listen in as I make yet another call to the Zionist occupied Government department and expose the apathy which is the Australian political process. Share: Related Posts:Friedmann: Israel must allow marriages for all citizens350 Palestinian children are suffering inside Israeli prisonsIsraeli Occupation Forces Trash Orphanage Sewing WorkshopNafha Society for Defending Detainees Rights: 190 Children Arrested since Beginning of 2008Lets All Unite For Human Rights In Palestine And The World
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