Sunday, December 13

Read The HyperTexts...

Posted by Iqbal Tamimi

I have copied the following from the HyperTexts website about the NAKBA: the Holocaust of the Palestinians and I recommend that you have a look at this website

This is an index of articles compiled by Michael R. Burch, an editor and publisher of Holocaust poetry who believes there is an ongoing Holocaust of the Palestinian people. The only nonviolent cure, according to him, is for Israel to do what the United States began to do only a few decades ago: stop blaming the victims of racism, abandon Jim Crow laws, and establish equal human rights, fair laws and fair courts for everyone. Here are links to articles which present the facts, rather than racist propaganda, and show what men we can trust, like Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein, have to say on the subject of how the Palestinians have been treated by Israelis, Americans and the Western Powers.

Mohandas Gandhi on Palestine ... What did Mohandas Gandhi have to say about Palestine, Israel and the conflict between Jews and Arabs?

Einstein on Palestine ... Why did Albert Einstein turn down the presidency of the state of Israel, and what did he make of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Palestine ... What would Dr. King say about equal rights for Palestinians? Are their children perhaps also God's children?

The Elders on Palestine ... What do the Elders—Nobel Peace Prize laureates Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu—have to say about Israel and the Palestinians?

Nashville's Freedom Walk for Palestinians ... Accompany THT editor Mike Burch on a fact-finding freedom walk, accompanied by Palestinian Americans who incongruously did not blow him up!

Israeli Racism and Israel's Jim Crow Laws ... Americans had to learn the hard way that racism always leads to violence on both sides. This interview explains the real reasons for the violence in Israel: rampant racism and Jim Crow laws.

Independence Day Madness ... Why did Israel hijack the Spirit of Humanity? Why did a former US presidential candidate end up in a notorious Israeli prison, alongside a Nobel Peace Prize laureate?

Dear Mum: Email from an Israeli Prison Cell ... An interesting missive from a young Australian peace activist who ended up in an Israeli prison after trying to stop the demolition of a recently deceased Palestinian woman's house. It seems Jewish "settlers" are scanning newspaper obits for newly dead Palestinians, then rushing up with mallets to destroy their houses, while the poor souls are still lying in the morgue. To illustrate the macabre unreality of the situation, the activist's Jewish tour guide told her, "We politely make it impossible for them to live here." But there is nothing "polite" about demolishing people's houses, much less those of families who have just lost loved ones and haven't had time to properly mourn or bury them.

What Does the Bible Say? ... Does the Bible say Christians should support Jews, no matter how cruelly and unjustly they treat their neighbors? Would Jesus have driven 700,000 Palestinian farmers and their women and children from their homes, leaving them homeless and destitute?

The Role of American Taxpayers in the Holocaust of the Palestinians ... Why have American taxpayers funded and supported this new Holocaust, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars?

Root Causes and Parallels ... What is a Holocaust? Are there parallels between what the Palestinians suffer today, and what the Jews suffered during the Holocaust? Why did Thomas Jefferson have a lecture on "morality" preached to one of his slaves while he was being whipped for stealing nails, when Jefferson had robbed him of his life, liberty and ability to pursue happiness? If something is rotten in Denmark?

The Robin Hood of the West Bank ... Why are people using their bodies as "human shields" in Gaza and the West Bank, and why are these Good Samaritans the ones going to jail?

The Chicken or the Egg? ... Which came first: Palestinian violence, or Jewish and American racism against Arabs?

Parables of Zion ... Why pro-Israel propaganda makes no sense to someone with a logical mind and a handle on the facts.

The Genesis of Armageddon ... An annotated version of a white paper published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East about the ongoing conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. Does anything we've been told to believe about Israel and the Palestinians actually hold water?

The Samson Option ... Does the government of Israel intend to use nuclear blackmail when the world finally says "No more!" to its denial of basic human rights and dignity to the Palestinians?

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