Sunday, December 27

Gaza Lives On

Today is the anniversary of the war on Gaza. It was during this war that the campaign was launched. And although its started as a reaction to the war, we hope to continue with it until the day in which justice prevails in Palestine. We are certain that that day will come, our task and duty is to help make this day come sooner.

Anyway, here is the video we produced for the anniversary of the war. It is to remind us for whose rights and justice we are fighting.

Please circulate and provide us with feedback.

May the new year be a good one for justice in Palestine, and everywhere.
In solidarity,

One year later, it is very important to remember what happened in Gaza. But it is more important to realize the aspirations of the Palestinian people in Gaza. They deserve our solidarity, respect and reverence. They deserve justice. It is the duty of every person to contribute to break the unprecedented siege and bringing the criminals behind this atrocity to justice.

On 27 December 2009, after a year and a half of total siege, the brutal war on Gaza was launched. It was carnage, a disgrace to humanity and civilization, and indictment of the free world. One year later, the siege continues, the disgrace has not been lifted, and the Palestinian people still endure, resist and live. The Zionists either dont understand that, or dont want to. Delusion is a characteristic of mass murders and racist criminals.


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