Friday, December 18

EU foreign policy high rep: East Jerusalem is occupied

Bethlehem - Ma'an - "East Jerusalem is occupied territory," the EU’s new High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton said in a statement on Friday, underscoring the increasing strength of the European position on a Palestinian Jerusalem.

Ashton was appointed in November, and took up her post on 1 December, when the Lisbon Treaty -expanding the role of the high representative for the EU - took effect. She is the first to hold the expanded office, and is responsible for coordinating a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) within the EU. Javier Solana occupied the original position.

Her statement on a Palestinian Jerusalem follows the signing of a document by the European Foreign Ministers calling for a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

"The EU is opposed to the demolition of Palestinian homes, the eviction of Palestinian families, the construction of Israeli settlements and the route of the ‘separation barrier’," she said in a statement issued by the EU.

Baroness Ashton said the latest EU decisions regarding the Middle East and east Jerusalem adopted by the European Council are "very substantive."

“It is now time to move to action and put the Council conclusions into practice. We now need to think about how we can re-engage a political process.”

Baroness Ashton said the EU was addressing the issue of east Jerusalem at political level,the statement said, but also through practical assistance aimed at supporting the Palestinian population in the city. “For example, there is a lack of 1,200 classrooms for the Palestinian children in the city, so we are helping to reinforce education facilities.

"In addition we enable Palestinian hospitals in east Jerusalem to remain viable and we do a lot of work with Palestinian young people in the city, who suffer from high rates of unemployment and psychological problems.”

The EU has implemented a number of activities in east Jerusalem to the cost of 4.6 million Euros, it was added.

The new foreign policy chief further highlighted the EU's concerns over the situation in Gaza. “Israel should re-open the crossings without delay, which would allow a revival of private sector and a reduction of Gaza's aid dependency.”

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