Sunday, December 27

The awareness campaign for Gaza is on social media (today and tomorrow)


Here is some details on how to use social media to raise awareness on what happened in Gaza last year:

Facebook: -
1. Share links (i.e. articles, reports, videos, images) on what happened in Gaza last year.

2. Do NOT post anything that comes your way, it is not the right way to raise awareness:

2.1. They can get annoyed by you and remove you from their friends, or simply hide your posts

2.2. Most people don’t have the time to read and watch everything
Only post the most important and most effective links, it’s better to post the same “strong” link twice (with 8-12 hours in between), than bombarding people’s News Feed with all sort of links.

Twitter: -

1. Post links (i.e. articles, reports, videos, images) with brief description on what they are. You can also post and opinion or a related quote

2. In every one of those tweets, include the hashtag (a word –tag- preceded by the hash sign: #) #Gaza, and try to include more than one in the same tweet if you see fit, without the tweet losing its meaning
e.g. Goldstone Report Summary - #Gaza

3. If you don’t know what to tweet, go here:
And ReTweet (repost others posts)

4. If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can create one from here:

5. If you need help on Twitter, contact:


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