Friday, November 6

Zionism's Jewish Enemy

Alan Hart Interviews Professor Ilan Pappe, Israel’s leading “new” or “revisionist” historian.

Like all Israelis, Ilan was brought up, conditioned, to believe Zionism’s version of the history of the making and sustaining of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It wasn’t until he went to England to continue his academic studies that he had access to documentation which enabled him to understand that Zionism’s version is a propaganda lie.

Hart of the Matter - Ilan Pappe I from Alan Hart on Vimeo.

Part 2

Hart of the Matter - Ilan Pappe II from Alan Hart on Vimeo.

Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent who covered wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world and specialized in the Middle East. Author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews: The False Messiah (Zionism, the Real Enemy of the Jews). He blogs on


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