Wednesday, November 4

US House of Representatives condemns Goldstone Report

The US House of Representatives has condemned the Goldstone Report, which accuses Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza. The resolution, which defined the report as "one-sided and distorted" was supported by a wide majority of 334 delegates against 36 who opposed it. Twenty-two delegates abstained. Full Story

[The resolution also calls on the Obama administration to veto any and all United Nations resolutions on the report.]

[Some opposing representatives, including David Wu, D-OR, signed Brian Baird letter]

*** David Wu's office called to ask for a correction. He DID sign the letter. He did NOT vote in opposition to the resolution -- he voted "present." See voting ON 867.

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1 comment:

  1. paschn5:22 pm

    Why am I not surprised? Can anyone say U.S. W-H-O-R-E_S?
    Now you get an idea of why it was soooo easy to lie the sheeple into one war after another.
    If you were to ask a U.S. citizen what they thought of it they'd answer, "think of what?...dude do you realize the world series is on?? wtf is the matter with you?"
