Friday, October 2

The Zionist, Messianic-Christian Network Inside Evangelical Churches: Walid Shoebat, His Clones and Enablers

Charles E Carlson

Walid Shoebat’s words are artful and inflammatory…each phrase seems designed to incite fear of, and therefore hatred for Muslims. Chosen People Ministries’ local branch inside Scottsdale Bible Church sponsored Shoebat’s appearance, and took up a collection to pay his substantial honorarium. A Chosen People Ministries spokesman set the tone with a dramatic, Islam did it, introduction of its Day 911 Commemorative Service.Shoebat is a well-paid servant of a foreign power, political Israel. He pretends to be an Arab terrorist converted to Christianity. Except for the money that changes hands, Israel is the obvious beneficiary of Shoebat’s deception. His central theme is the Zionist message, Muslims hate Christians, and his own alleged history as a 16-year old terrorist, is the authority upon which millions have listened to him.

Shoebat repeats many times the statement that is the title of his book, “Why We (Muslims) Want To Kill You” (Christians). He insists Islamists will kill us unless we convert to Islam, and seems to leaves no alternative but to kill them first, but he never stoops to say so. Endnote(1) Who is Walid Shoebat, Part I

Walid is a most convincing speaker as we should expect of a trained Israeli agent. His presentation is a barrage of words. He says so much you have scarce time to think about each staccato conclusion. You are, instead, impacted with vivid impressions pounded out one after another. When Shoebat talks about Islam he reads fluently from the Qur’an in Arabic and translates it into English as he sees fit. English speaking listeners are left at the mercy of his translation. He also quotes phrases from the Bible, including the Old Testament, Third Chapter of Joel, which he stretches to his purpose, warning his listeners that upon Jesus' next coming He will judge harshly those who “dividing the land.” Implied is that Israel should have it all (Walid;s Arab family none). This author invites anyone to show me where Jesus or his followers ever said anything about land ownership.

Zionism’s second objective, along with generating hatred of Islam, is to seed the false notion that God gave the land of the Philistines to present day political Israel. Endnote(2) Roots of Christian Zionism If there had been no Walid Shoebat, Israel would have had to invent him and they are inventing more speakers very much like him.

We have learned to our horror, that other Shoebat sound alike’s tell equally preposterous terrorist tales from pulpits and at colleges, preying upon vulnerable Judeo-Christian churches whose members pay lavishly for self-deception.

At one very important event at the US Air Force Academy chapel, no less than three Shoebat clones were assembled, each one spinning his own amazing, topper story of brutal terrorism and conversion to Christianity. At both the University of Colorado in Boulder, and at Berkley, California, two shoebats shared the spotlight, sponsored by the College Republicans for which upward to $10,000.00 was paid by the taxpayers. Obviously someone scheduled these appearances, and we know that common thread. Endnote (3) Chris Hedges, The War Upon Tolerance

Chosen People Ministries also is a network of interwoven ministries, all focused on one thing: the acquisition of money to be used in the service of Jews and of Israel. The ministry, found by a Jew named Cohen who became a Christian, makes a thin pretense of converting Jews to Christianity, but, in fact, it usually does the opposite. A few minutes spent scrutinizing these related web pages should convince any clear-eyed Christian that he or she will not benefit from the intensely sophisticated money acquisition system described therein. Endnote (5) Chosen People Ministries
Chosen People Ministries is also an Israeli front.
It is one of the oldest national “Messianic” Christian movements, dating back to the 1890s, not long after the spawning of the evangelical church. Cesar Aharon, a Jew turned Christian, described Messianic church movements as the ones that claim to convert Jews to Christianity, but in fact are invariably led by Jews, to convert Christians to Judaism

I would add to Cesar’s remark that the conversions, if any, are not to Orthodox Judaism, which opposes Zionism, but to reformed Judaism and its most powerful political spokesman, Christian Zionism. Endnote (3) Aharon Judaizing Elements of the Messianic Movement Cesar Aharon and Benzion Melechson

Chris Hedges, former Middle East Bureau Chief for the New York Times, and a man with experience in Palestine during the very years when Shoebat was growing up in the USA, wrote of the three Shoebat clones who spoke to the Air Force Academy Cadets:
“These men are frauds, but this is not the point. They are part of a dark and frightening war by the Christian right against tolerance that, in the moment of another catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil, would make it acceptable to target and persecute all Muslims, including the some 6 million Muslims who live in the United States. These men stoke these irrational fears.” (4)

Walid’s “history” of terrorism is balderdash. It is nonsense made up from scratch: he even lies about his name. We see nothing unusual with writers and speakers using aliases, but this man may be the first to claim his real given Arab name, Walid Shoebat, is an alias that he made up to protect himself from “terrorists.” We suspect he discredits his real name to throw researchers off the trail of his family members, who seem to tell the truth about him when asked. Walid’s polished and memorized speech, his books, his videos, and even his resume are a ball of yarn with a hundred loose ends.

The best proof that Shoebat is an Israeli agent comes from the nonsense of his own statements in books and interviews. In 2004, a gullible BBC correspondent quoting Shoebat:
“My whole dream was to die as a shaheed [martyr]. I would open my shirt hoping to be shot- but the Israelis would never shoot at the body, so I never succeeded, he said.”

But the Intifada (uprising) did not start until 4 or more years after the 16-year old Walid went to America. Also his statement that Israelis “never shoot the body” can only have been written by a Zionist, for hospital records prove Palestinians suffer head wounds most often, followed by body shots. Israelis shoot to kill even when using rubber coated bullets.
BBC News: “One day, in the middle of a riot, Walid was part of a group which snatched an Israeli soldier who was trying to quell the violence. They beat him senseless and tried to lynch him, before he was rescued by troops and the group fled. "We ran to a monastery where the nuns protected us - even they hated the Jews!" Walid was eventually caught and imprisoned in the Muscovite Prison in Jerusalem, but was released after a few weeks. He returned to violence straight away, bombing an Israeli bank in Bethlehem.” Endnote (6) (Raffi Berg BBC News Online, 2004)

Walid’s story about hiding with local nuns has a fairy tale sound. He may have borrowed it from the Van Trop family scene in Julie Andrew’s “Sound of Music,” popular at the time Walid was growing up. The Nazis in a family movie may have respected a convent, but Israel would not. The idea that he was arrested, then turned loose, is also quite unlike Israel, where many youths have been held without charges in prison for years. It is a land where torture is approved by the Supreme Court, and anyone suspected of beating a soldier would probably never see the light of day.

We Hold These Truths caught Walid’s trail through the good fortune of discovering a credible witness who says Shoebat could not have done any of these things he claims. We have good reason to believe this man who we will call Ali. “Ali” and Walid knew each other as high school mates in the late 1970’s in Beit Sahour, a village of only 250, near Bethlehem. Ali says none of the events Walid testified to happened, and there were no secrets in his village. Shoebat was an ordinary high school student from a well-to-do, nominally Muslim, religiously mixed family. There were no bombings or soldiers’ kidnappings.

Walid confirms that his mother was an American, not a Muslim, and he left Beit Sahour for the USA on her arm when he was only 16. Had he had a criminal record, as he claims, he would not have gotten out of Israel, nor into the USA.
Ali’s story of his daily life with Walid is supported by a feature article in the usually pro-Israel “Jerusalem Post” on March 30, 2008, by Israeli reporter Jorg Luyken, who wrote a feature story about Walid Shoebat entitled “The Palestinian terrorist turned Zionist”. The J-Post reporter explains in detail that he checked family references in tiny Beit Sahour and interviewed Shoebat’s relatives who are still there, and who reject Wahid’s story of a “terrorist” past. The reporter’s conclusions mesh with those of our anonymous witness. Endnote (7) Jerusalem Post
The J-Post story is thoroughly researched and effectively exposed Walid’s lone child-bomber story as a fairy tale. The Post did not overlook the lies Shoebat tells about his given name, and it calls his financial dealing into serious question. We do not care how much money he takes in, only how many innocent lives he costs. Walid’s family members recall him as an ordinary schoolboy with an American mother who kept him away from most of the family and hurried him off to the USA at first opportunity, leaving her other children behind with the father. Walid says his mother did not like Muslims, and he was trained by his mother.
When the J-Post questioned Shoebat about gaping holes in his life story, he made no admissions or apologies, but spun even more ridiculous tales in an attempt to cover for himself. Walid insists he did indeed bomb Bank Leumi, even if the bank did not know it; he supposes the bank might not have noticed it was bombed because he threw the bomb on its roof.
Caught in a lie, Shoebat comes up with bigger lies, a standard technique of the professionals. We would like to know how big a bomb a 16-year old can throw onto a bank’s roof? Writer Luyken clearly did not buy Walid’s story and concluded with a rhetorical question.
Luyken: “If the Bank Leumi bombing claim is unfounded, it is unclear why Shoebat would have wanted to manufacture a terrorist past. True or not, however, it has plainly brought him some prominence and provided him with a means to speak in favor of Israel and be paid for doing so.” Endnote (6) Jerusalem Post
I would not expect the writer for the “Jerusalem Post” to risk his job by naming an obvious conclusion he has exposed. We Hold These Truths will not dodge it. We think it was an Israeli handler who, as the J-Post suggests, “manufacture(d) a terrorist past” for Shoebat. His stories of beating soldiers and single-handed bombings never happened and are an invented cover for his career as an agent for Israel. With the state of Israel to back his story, what has Shoebat to fear? Walid’s only risk is that we and others will expose him, Israel will get someone else to do his job, and the money will stop flowing to him.

Not one word Shoebat says can be believed. He lies about his past, a network of planned and coordinated interwoven lies. This deliberateness of his lies is born out by a careful examination of his SBC speech, which reveals that Shoebat dropped all mention of his long-bomber, terrorist, prison record. He smoothly blended in a different story of his supposed underground, pro-terrorist activities in a US college, which he did not document in any way. Shoebat now wants us to forget the old lies he told and move on. Only a fool would do so. His speech writers use incendiary race hatred and a dash of race-sex to play on listener’s raw emotion with generalities about Muslims:
“Why do we want to kill you…until you submit?”
“A (Palestinian) man decapitated his daughter on his doorstep”…and the (Muslim) community supported him.
“They will be there to pursue your children”
“They do like to marry American girls.”

Judeo-Christians like those 500 or so at SBC, believe Shoebat because they want to. They want to believe him because they have been conditioned to accept the strange notion generated by World Zionism that all Muslims are out to get all Christians. Chosen People Ministries, operating inside the church, uses Shoebat to sell his deliberate deception to the gullible people of Scottsdale Bible Church. Endnote(8) Shoebat, at SBC, You Tube

Shoebat: An Israeli agent or a freelance Bernard Madoff ?
We observe that it is nigh impossible for a freelance con-man to live such a lie as Shoebat has wrapped around himself; but trained agents of intelligence organization go lifetimes on invented identities and cooked up histories. They often tell dramatic lies that are so big and dramatic they can be remembered and are rarely challenged.

Shoebat is exposed by a respected writers like Chris Hedges, the “Light of Truth,” but Shoebat’s network TV appearances before friendly hosts simply overwhelm the criticism. He has been promoted to speak before TV audiences of 10’s of millions, and his appearance on a DVD called “Obsession” is claimed sent to 27 million people.

Shoebat’s success as a confidence man can be contrasted to Bernard Madoff, who is now finally in prison, but who lived a total business lie for much of two decades. Madoff lied to everyone, but he sent checks periodically to all the people he was slowly fleecing, obtaining the money from new fleece donors. One who gets a check has trouble believing the person who writes it is not a good guy...until the check bounces. Now everyone knows Madoff was for 20 years a professional deceiver, and the lies have not ended because no one knows who got away with the money.

Mr. Shoebat, like Mr. Madoff, is a quantum deceiver, but Shoebat does not give checks away; he only collects. His story would be quickly unraveled were it not that someone with power and influence is lending him credibility. The proof that Shoebat is an agent for Israel is that he has so many clones. We know of at least four of both sexes. Chris Hedges talks about three “stooges” who were all coordinated at one program at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. A fourth clone, Bridget Gabriel, works ostensibly for Pat Robertson. (Chris Hedges, the “Light of Truth”)

Other aspiring professional Zionists promote Israel with secular groups and even Muslim groups. I have met no less than three in Phoenix, who are either former or current Israeli agents, paid or de-facto, trying to climb the ladder toward the fame and fortune. One is a professing Muslim, medical doctor, Mohammad Zuhdi Jasser, president of the Phoenix-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy, whose words prove that there are also Islamic Zionists. A young former IDF air force pilot who gives free, anti-Palestinian speeches at low budget meetings; finally, Scottsdale art dealer Victor

Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent wrote “By Way of Deception,” an expose’ on how the Mossad works. He tells of the Israeli recruiting and training process at the highest level, far above the training of professional liars like Shoebat. Israel propaganda is big business, an issue for another story.

Intervention outside Scottsdale Bible Church Day 9-11, 2009
Scottsdale Bible Church, with a reported 5000 members and regular attendees, and a 2500 seat auditorium, is one of the more affluent churches in the Phoenix Metro area. Attendees at this service were admitted only by advance registration. Others who came without advance tickets were rejected at the door of the 1/3 full house.

The acts of members outside the Church support our view that Shoebat’s balderdash terrorist story is protected from challenge wherever he speaks. His role is to convince Judeo-Christian church members that Palestinian “terrorism” justifies Israel’s acts of aggression and that the victims deserved to be annihilated because of alleged hatred of Christians. To paraphrase: “We” Muslims hate you so much you really need to hate us back to protect yourselves. No mention is made of Jesus’ admonition to love your brothers and even your enemies.

The saddest fact we witnessed at our vigil at Scottsdale Bible Church (SBC) was the willingness of the sponsoring church to allow its members to be deceived. Shoebat was promoted to the church by Church members who are associated with Chosen People Ministries. But the church’s lead pastor, Jamie Rasmussen, approved the program and the use of the auditorium, probably under the “no harm, no foul” thinking. But there is harm. Zionists inside the churches are promoting death and destruction for Muslims everywhere, and a few Americans will also die.

Project Strait Gate provided the Senior Pastor all the information we had three weeks in advance by letter and FAX . We offered meetings to discuss it, which were ignored.

Twelve Vigil Team members, dignified and disciplined, stood quietly in the 104-degree sun until it set, displaying our message on large signs to those entering SBC. One of these read;
“SHOEBAT IS A FRAUD”; another read

Some of those entering the church, let us know they understood our message and did not want to hear it with gestures, a number of thumbs down, and a few obscene gestures. An older man in a new, black Mercedes stopped to tell two of us, “You have better be gone when I come back in thirty minutes. We were very much there, but we did not see notice the Mercedes again.

The church’s most overt act of agitation came from a baritone singer who came out in snakeskin boots to sing Christian Songs to us. A buddy with a church nametag stood, watched, and directed from the church parking lot. The singer stood belly-to-belly and hip-to-hip with demonstrators and sang “Jesus” songs loudly in each of our ears for well over an hour. Mercifully, he did not approach the three lady picketers. His was a most uncomfortable, in your face, agitation right in front of the off-duty hirelings, who said not a word. We complained to them and even summoned the regular Police patrolmen once. When they appeared, the man in the boots stepped away a half step until the patrolmen were gone, and then went right back to singing in our ears.

His buddy wearing a church nametag “Scott,” called the singer to give him instructions upon which the latter returned, and zeroed in on Hani, one of two Muslim Arabs we invited to answer questions about Islam. The singer became a preacher, reading loudly in Hani’s ears from the Bible. He even proclaimed that Hani was going to “hell.” Wherever Hani walked, the snakeskin boots followed, only inches away from his heels. It must have been a miserable two hours for Hani, but to his credit, he kept his temper.

It is our experience that off-duty cops working for churches will make small stretches of law and facts if asked to do so by the tax-exempt church that pays them to be there in uniform. We have learned not to trust off-duty police. To counteract them, we insist on the presence of local on-duty police to referee. One attendee, who knew us, came out to warn us that the hireling police were quietly warning attendees not to talk to or take literature from demonstrators. We assume this was part of the church’s police briefing.

In two and a half hours, only three members of the congregation, one a before-mentioned friend, walked the short distance to the street to talk to any of us. If I was a SBC church member I would want to walk past the police to the street to ask, “OK what’s your story?” or “Do you have anything in writing that explains why you are picketing my church?”

Christian Zionism can best be understood in the dishonest acts and words of Walid Shoebat. Like his record, Zionism is a lie. We have listened carefully to the Shoebat program, which we refer you to on You Tube. He had much to say about the “evils of Islam” and “Why we want to kill you.” but he did not say one word about converting Muslims to be followers of Christ, supposedly the evangelical mission.

Shoebat also materially altered his story for this event, perhaps because of our advance exposure of him, leaving out all references to his phony acts of terror in Palestine. He even omitted his hallmark, bank bombing yarn that has been a part of most programs and his website history.

It seems Shoebat has stopped telling just this one lie, having been caught in it. This is all the more proof that he is a programmed professional deceiver, selling war and death in the name of Jesus Christ. Similarly Chosen People Ministries did not make an appeal for Jews to convert to Christianity, as is supposed to be its purpose. Evangelicals always ask for conversions even when they don’t mean it.

Judeo-Christians pretend to believe the unnatural and impossible in the name of loving Israel. They turn from Jesus’ words of love to programmed Zionist words of hatred. The troubadour in the snakeskin boots was the church’s missionary to us. He sang songs featuring Jesus’ name to harass and torment, hoping to inflame to violence. This is vile, hate-filled fruit of Zionism, hiding behind Jesus’ name, and ignoring the meaning of His very words and acts. It clearly demonstrates that Christian Zionism is not Christianity.

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