Sunday, October 25

Missing Palestinian fighter found alive in prison?

Muhammad Issa Abu Ghaniyya, born in 1953, missing since 1969, and presumed dead for decades, has been seen alive in an Israeli prison, according to his family.

Relatives told Ma'an on Sunday that several recently released prisoners swear they remember Abu Ghaniyya, who was left for dead during an operation near the northern Israeli town of Bisan (Beth Shean in Hebrew) in July 1969.

Abu Ghaniyya's family now believes he was held in Karmonid prison, between Ramla and Lod, before being transferred to Safad jail.

The family also said a former Palestinian prisoner, currently in Jordan, saw Abu Ghaniyya's photo, and insisted he saw the man in jail and spoke to him. The prisoner said Abu Ghaniyya was in a wheelchair and held primarily in solitary confinement for the past 40 years.

His relatives appealed to Palestinian factions, the Palestine Liberation Organization, to the Palestinian Authority, and to the Ministry of Prisoners Affairs to follow up with the case and return with a definitive answer.

Abu Ghaniyya was a fighter in the Palestinian Liberation Forces, a PLO member faction, where he was known as "The Sheikh."

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  1. Ghufran Abdel-Karim Issa Abughanieh7:30 pm

    hi everyone what i am about to say may sound weird but is the truth. This person in this article is my uncle i was born without seeing him and we have been looking for him ever since he was considered dead.If anyone can help me and my family find him and set him free (if he is alive). When i first heard about this i was surprised and me and my family broke out in tears.We might experience a miracle with him being brought back to us. Please if anyone knows anything about this or can help us please comment. My uncle needs all the help he can get. In other articles it stays he is on a wheelchair and is been alone for 40 years. His mom and dad werent able to live to see him but hopefully we will. Please help us.

  2. Walid Abughanieh and Family6:07 pm

    We Ask Allah (subhanhoo wa Talla)That Our brother Mohammed Issa Abughanieh is alive and according to the news we heard recently. We as a family belive our brother is still alive. We have prayed to Allah (subhanhoo wa talla) that he leads us to him with his power to see my brother Mohammed soon. Ameen. We wish Mohammed that he is in good health and thank him for the manhood he is. Inshallah we can bring our hero Mohammed home soon. Ameen
    Walid Issa Abughanieh and Family
