The presidential decree calling for elections on 24 January is an “illegal and unconstitutional move and a blow all conciliation efforts,” the Hamas block of the Palestine Legislative Council (PLC) announced Saturday.The announcement came following the Friday announcement by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as per electoral law, giving three months notice before the holding of elections. The decree must be approved by the PLC before it is carried out.
The move was immediately slammed by Hamas officials, then later by the Hamas bloc of the PLC, who said they would not recognize the elections, in part because of the blow they dealt to Palestinian unity talks in Egypt.
The bloc said it held Abbas responsible for the consequences of the move, which it described “uncalculated and irrational.”
The Hamas bloc said it was not opposed to holding elections, noting “the support is with us if we do,” but said it preferred votes be cast under the umbrella of a national agreement and not through “Israeli or American dictates.”
The Popular Resistance Committees
The PRC, a Gaza-based non-PLO faction, also condemned the move, calling it the death of unity and holding Abbas responsible. They declared they would not recognize the “illegal” elections, nor would their representatives participate.
“Any election held without a national agreement is a violation to the will of the Palestinians,” its leadership said. The party called the elections a gamble at “gaining profits from the suffering of Palestinians.”
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