Saturday, October 24

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti & Anna Baltzer on the Daily Show, and more!

Dear all,

I'm excited to tell you about three things below...

1. Mustafa Barghouti & I will be on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart this Wednesday!

2. 2009 National Campus Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions Conference at Hampshire College

3. November Tour in the Northeast

1. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti and I will be on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart this Wednesday, Oct 28th!

Among many other things, Dr. Barghouti finished 2nd in the 2005 Palestinian presidential elections, and founded the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Workers (his bio is at

The show broadcasts on Comedy Central at 11pm EST, 10pm CST, 12am (midnight) MST,and 11pm PST.

It also rebroadcasts the next evening at 7pm EST, 7pm CST, 8pm MST, and 7pm PST, or you can view the episode at anytime in the future.

2.For anyone who doesn't know this, last Spring, Hampshire College became the first US college to divest from the Israeli occupation—33 years after they became the first US college to divest from Apartheid South Africa! Times are changing and we all have much to learn from Hampshire folks.

Therefore,I am excited to announce the 2009 National Campus Boycott, Divestment,Sanctions Conference, taking place Nov20th - Nov 22nd at Hampshire College in Amherst,Massachusetts. Find out more and register at:

3.Below is the itinerary for my November Tour in the Northeast. All are welcome,and please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested…

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Anna Baltzer presents…


Dates& Locations (Times & specific details about all events below can be found at:

Oct 29 Waterloo, CANADA University of Waterloo

Nov 1 Buffalo, NY Congregation Havurah

Nov 1 Rochester, NY First Unitarian Church of Rochester

Nov 2 Ithaca, NY Cornell University

Nov 3 Cazenovia, NY Cazenovia United Methodist Church

Nov 4 Syracuse, NY May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society

Nov 5 Binghamton, NY Binghamton University

Nov 5 Annandale, NY Bard College

Nov 8 Millburn, NJ Wyoming Presbyterian Church

Nov 9 Manhattan, NY Fordham Law School

Nov 10 Long Island, NY SUNY College at Old Westbury

Nov 11 Bronxville, NY Sarah Lawrence College

Nov 12 Philadelphia, PA Location TBA**

Nov 14 Philadelphia, PA Mishkan Shalom Synagogue

Nov 17 Washington, DC Council for the National Interest**

Nov 18 Philadelphia, PA Villanova University

Nov 20-22 Amherst,MA 2009 National Campus BDS Conference**

Times & specific details about all events above can be found at:

** Double-starred events will be a Speaker Training, an interactive workshop for people who've gone to Palestine (or are very knowledgeable about it), and would like support in using their experience to support real change in their communities and around the country. Do you feel frustrated and ill-prepared when confronted with opposition and difficult questions? Or do you feel ready to speak but don't know who will listen? Learn techniques and tips for speaking to your communities about the issue in an effective & non-alienating way. RSVP required (check website above).

All other events will be live presentations, covering checkpoints, settlements,Israeli activism, the 1948 war & refugees, censorship, the Separation Wall, Palestinian-led nonviolent resistance, & ideas on taking the next step for change.

Anna Baltzer is a Jewish-American Columbia graduate,former-Fulbright scholar, the granddaughter of Holocaust refugees, and an award-winning lecturer, author, and activist for Palestinian rights. As a volunteer with the International Women's Peace Service in the West Bank, Baltzer documented human rights abuses and supported Palestinian-led nonviolent resistance to the Occupation. Baltzer has appeared on television more than 100 times and lectured at more than 400 universities, schools, churches, mosques,and synagogues around the world with her acclaimed presentation, "Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness Stories & Photos," and her book: Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories. In 2009, Baltzer received the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee's prestigious Annual Rachel Corrie Peace &Justice Award, and is a contributor to three upcoming books on the subject. Baltzer serves on the Middle East committee of the Women's InternationalLeague for Peace & Freedom and on the Board of Directors of TheResearch Journalism Institute, Grassroots Jerusalem, and The Council forthe National Interest. For information about Baltzer's book, DVD, speakingtours, and tour schedule, visit

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