Mohammad Riyad Nayef funiral, age of 14, he was murdered on Saturday in Al-Jalazun refugee camp.
September 2, 2009
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Israeli snipers stationed in a watchtower on the edge of the squatter colony of Beit El near Ramallah have murdered four Palestinian Teenagers during the last 10 months. All the victims were students of the UN school for boys at the Al-Jalazun refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. The watchtower of the Israeli terrorists is about two hundred meters from the location of the UN school. Mohammad Riyad Nayef, age of 14, was the latest target of the criminal Israeli snipers, who murdered him on August 30 2009. The victim Mohammad Riyad is the son of the officer of the Palestinian intelligence, Riyad Neyef, who was murdered by another Israeli sniper in the town of Betania during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. The IDF sniper also shot the ambulance driver Osama al-Najjar while he trying to rescue the Mohammed Riad Nayef. The driver was shot in his leg. Another Palestinian, Ali Al-Mohammad Nakhleh Al-Qaisi, age 29, was shot in his arm while trying to rescue the victim during the same incident.
As usual, the criminal IDF spokesperson turned the truth upside down, falsified the facts and stated that the IDF troops had "killed a Palestinian youth suspected of hurling firebombs near the West Bank city of Ramallah". The Israeli note-takers from Haaretz and other rags published the IDF lies, reporting "the IDF had been monitoring three terrorists who were trying to throw molotov cocktails at the watchtower of the IDF, one of them was seriously injured". In this way, the murder of the teenager was justified as self-defense by the Israeli media, among them Haaretz, a newspaper which long, long ago was known for quality reports. After I read what the Israeli military liars told Haaretz, YnetNews and other media to report, I understood that the IDF sniper, who was positioned in a very high and fortified tower of concrete, behind windows of bullet-proof glass, protected against anything, was "innocent", he had suddenly found himself, the tower and his machine gun in big danger from a child who was a long distance away from his tower!! This forced the "poor" murderer to "defend himself" by shooting the child from the same place from where he or another israeli murderer snipped other three children before, and injured 40 and for the same invented reasons. How the Israeli media reports is a clear case of criminality. It is a crime next in complicity of the IDF crimes. It is a clear violation of the moral of journalism, of objectivity and it certainly show how much they lack credibility. What honor do journalists have, who repeat what they know to be the lies of pathologic liars? The IDF left the boy bleeding seriously and without any medical help. They prevented the Palestinian ambulance from transferring him to the hospital in Ramallah, they shot the ambulance driver Osama al-Najjar with "just one small " bullet in his leg while he was trying to rescue the boy. After the child lost almost all his blood, IDF helicopter kidnapped the child’s body, against the will of the Palestinians, and transferred him to the Hadassa medical center in Jerusalem. The targeting of the ambulance driver by the IDF was not reported in Haaretz. They just repeated the IDF lies and called him "one among the three terrorists". Can there be any doubt that the people at Haaretz are not journalists? The names of the teenagers victims of the IDF who were sniped from the IDF watchtower terrorists are: - Mohammad Ali Abed Al-Fattah Nowarah, age of 16, was murdered on April 17 2009.
- Abed Al-Qader Badawi Zeed, age of 16, was murdered October 14 2008. His body was kidnapped by the IDF and given back to family later during the same day.
- Mohammad Al-Romhi, age of 15 was murdered on October, 15 2008.
Of course the IDF spokesperson released their usual lying statement saying that there was a threat against their sniper, who sits inside a high, fortified concrete tower with an automatic gun. The Palestinian refugees from Al-Jalazun refugee camp in the occupied West Bank accused the Israeli IDF sniper stationed in a watchtower of the squatter colony Biet El settlement of deliberately sniping and terrorizing their children who attend the UN school for boys at Al-Jalazun refugee camp. The local Palestinians said that the IDF watchtower is a tower of snipers of death. September 1 2009, was declared a strike day at the Al-Jalazun school for boys. Tuesday was the first school day in the new school year of 2009 – 2010. The students participated in the funeral of their colleague Mohammad Nayef. It is awful to hear and to see children striking on their first school day because their colleagues are murdered, demonstrating, chanting, taking part in the funeral of a classmate, remembering the other three colleagues who were murdered in the same way and from the same Israeli occupation watchtower. The Israeli machine gun, the so-called IDF soldiers who are nothing but coward terrorists, and their crazy spokesperson, the inhuman occupation and Israeli media are incapable of understanding the sentiments of humanity, what it means to kill a child, to falsify the truth, to impose the military force on the occupied land of others. How can there be any doubt that these child murderers lack the most elemental feelings of human beings, that they and those who back them lack any decency whatsoever? The Palestinian Mohammad al-Badawi, aged 54, the father of the child Mohammad Abed Al-Qader who was murdered in the past months said: "I think that the IDF sniper who sits in the watchtower had orders to kill our children, whether the children do or did not do, they must be murdered". Mr. Badawi denied the lies of the IDF spokesperson, who he stated that the IDF had shot "a terrorist". He said "how can a child of 14 years, who was far away from the IDF watchtower, be a threat to the the life of an IDF soldier who was inside the tower, so that he had to shoot and kill him?" He added that the other person who the IDF sniper shot was the ambulance worker who was wearing the white medical dress. These were no terrorists present except the IDF sniper himself |
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