Friday, September 4

Annie Machon talks about intelligence service interference in the media

Journalist, author and documentary producer, Barrie Zwicker, interviews Annie Machon, a former MI5 officer and whistleblower.Annie Machon worked and an MI5 counter-intelligence officer in...
F2 Branch - Investigating political activists (so called subversives).
T Branch - Irish terrorism and
G Branch - International terrorism.
She stands with several experts that believe there are serious problems in the official narrative of 9/11 that must be re-investigated.

Presented by the University of Waterloo 9/11 Research Group
Hagey Hall Humanities Theatre
May 31st, 2009

Annie Machon talks about MI5 recruitment; 'Media Operations' by military intelligence; her ex-partner David Shayler's mental breakdown and 9/11.
Presentation, followed by questions, with media critic Barrie Zwicker.

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