Wednesday, August 26

Ramadan on the streets

Almagdesee family is receiving the holy month of Ramadan living on the street just out of their home. In recent development in the holy city of Jerusalem, a family of seven members called Alghawee was illegally and immorally (complete theft in the middle of the day, God knows where they came from) forced to vacate their home by the Zionist and now live and break their fasting on the street. At breaking time, the Alghawee family who lives in Alsheekh Aljarah Almagdesee section of the city got their fresh dates and hot chicken soup. Their stone made home got converted to the Zionist family (thugs) as of August second. They threw their goods out on the street. Even though, neighbors to the Alghawee offerd their homes but the Alghawee refused to give up or leave.

Now Maysoon who is the mother of five kids is saying losing their home has changed her thoughts and sights on the future and she also said while she is setting up the bed for her two years old daughter Sara that all their dreams and plans for the future are lost. She added, Ramadan is supposed to be a family oriented setting where members spend time together, play, eat and buy toys and new clothes that parents promised to buy them, now she is forced to go to the neighbors so that they can take a shower and wash their clothes. “I have nothing left and I feel that I can’t do anything about it, she said” as Router reported. Summer is almost over and schools are about to start and I have not bought any supplies, where do I put it Maysoon wondered? In the street she asked?

On the third of Ramadan, supporters of the Alghawee Family got together at breaking time on the side walk to share with them and support their struggle. Mr. Rafieq Alhusieny who is the manager of the President office said we are here share with you Aleftar in Ramadan and support. Also, Mufty Alquds Sheekh Mouhamad Housien was present, he said that we are sending a clear message to the whole world that it is time the whole world raises their voice in protest of this criminal act and exert all kind of pressures on the Zionist government.

All food and drinks where provided by the neighborhood restaurant Fifteen minutes before breaking time and set up by Naser Alghawee.


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