Friday, June 19


Two eloquent speeches…. calling for a Two State Solution. In one speech, Bibi declared that no new settlements would be built and no extra land would be confiscated from Palestinians for settlement development….. but the settlers responded with plans to construct 30 new outposts in the West Bank. That’s just the beginning….. you can read about those plans HERE.

In his speech on 14 June 2009, Benjamin Netanyahu declared that he accepts a Palestinian State. Such a state, according to Netanyahu, should recognize “Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish People”. Moreover, Israel has nothing to do with the problem of the Palestinian refugees, which must be solved outside the borders of Israel. In addition, the Palestinian State must be demilitarized, with no army and no control of air space. And, according to Netanyahu, “Jerusalem remains the united capital of Israel.” A report on this can be seen HERE.

It’s sad to report that the settlers are being more honest about the situation than the Israeli government is.

Bibi’s ’smooth talk’ paved the way for Israel’s nazi Foreign Minister to appear as a dignified politician despite his outrageous views. The pundits believe Lieberman will work hard to be charming and to avoid at all cost a confrontation with the U.S. administration. From Lieberman’s point of view, this visit is an opportunity to soften his image in Washington and perhaps also manage to improve Israel’s image. The report that is taken from can be read HERE.

The other speech I refer to above was delivered by President Obama on his recent trip to the Middle East. A trip void of a visit to the Gaza Strip…. just metres from where he was standing. This is but one indication of the lack of commitment he has towards the Palestinians.

But, back to the ‘reality check’….. nothing has changed as far as paving the way to the creation of a Palestinian State as long as the settlers get their way and as long as the likes of a Lieberman remains in the position he is in.
The reality is that there will not be a Palestinian State under Bibi’s leadership until all Palestinians become committed zionists. And that my friends, is not about to happen.

However, there is still hope…. hope that justice and peace will prevail. But it will not come through the ‘efforts’ of the Israeli government. President Obama now has a direct ‘hotline’ to the leadership of Hamas through the tireless efforts of Jimmy Carter. The hope I speak of will come through honesty and recognition of the Palestinians as a people and by recognising their elected officials. That is the true ‘reality check’.

Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff

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