Tuesday, June 30


002carlos-Latuff-(12) Being a ‘page one’ entry on the S H I T List gives me special privileges. One of them is being the recipient of almost every piece of zionist hate mail that is written.

Yesterday I was sent a zionist position on the speech President Obama made during his recent trip to the Middle East….. ************************************************

In his talk, Obama spoke of the Holocaust, and the suffering Jews endured. In practically his next breath, however, he said:

“On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people…have suffered in pursuit of a homeland….”

And, following this observation, he went on to say:

“For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history…”

This is deeply troubling — offensive! — and must be challenged at several levels.

There is, first, the unacceptable moral equivalency of his statement: The Jews suffered in the Holocaust…the Palestinians suffered the “nakba” — as if the historical experience of pain of the Palestinians in being “dislocated” is as great as what we endured in the Shoa (Holocaust) when six million died.

Within this formulation is a libelous implication: That just as we endured the Holocaust, we then brought commensurate suffering on another people. But I won’t go in that direction now. For there is more that is unacceptable:

What is also implied in Obama’s statement is that we are entitled to a Jewish state BECAUSE there was a Holocaust. And this too, fits with Palestinian mythology. See, they say, it is because of the Holocaust that they suffered dislocation — the Jews who had nowhere to go came here and pushed them out. Obama doesn’t say, as the Palestinians do — when they lament that they shouldn’t have to suffer because of our problems — that we are not entitled to a state, but his approach leans in this direction.

What Obama misses, when he focuses on the Holocaust as the reason we have a claim to a state, is the entire religious and historical basis for our claim here.

He says not a word about this land as divine Jewish inheritance, and this is critical. From the time of the Patriarchs, we Jews have been tied to this land. But the Muslims say today that we have no religious connection here. They have written us out in their falsified version of things, they have attempted to destroy ancient archeological evidence, and they call this land a Muslim wakf (trust) for eternity. It has gotten so bad that they call the Kotel (Western Wall ) an exclusively Muslim site: the place where Mohammad tied his horse. (Arafat denied there was a Temple on the Mount, ever, and Abbas has made similar statements.)

Make no mistake about it. The battle for the Land of Israel is at heart a religious battle, not a political one. By not acknowledging the Jewish connection to the land, Obama has left room for the Arabs to continue to make their claims.


I am not in the camp of ‘Holocaust Deniers’ after having lost the entire paternal side of my family in the camps. I do, however, resent those that are cashing in on the Jewish suffering that took place during the last World War. I resent that those who are involved in the ‘Holocaust Industry’ ignore the fact the millions of others suffered as well…. it wasn’t only Jews.

Those that suffered were not given a ‘green light’ to inflict suffering on others…. BUT, that is exactly what the case is in Israel today. Jewish survivors of the Holocaust receive a cheque every month from the German government. Palestinian survivors of the Nakba receive NOTHING from the government of Israel. THAT I find offensive.

Any Jew, living anywhere in the world, has the RIGHT to ‘return’ to Israel…. even if he was never here before. Palestinians living anywhere in the world do NOT have the RIGHT OF RETURN to the homes they were driven away from during the Nakba. THAT I find offensive.

The zionists get offended if anyone denies the Holocaust ever took place. Yet, these very same people deny the Holocaust of the Palestinian people. They also use similar methods to continue their policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Occupied Territories and Gaza, the largest concentration camp in the world today. THAT I find offensive.

The United States GIVES Israel 30 BILLION dollars a year in aid…. there is no indication yet that this will stop under Obama’s leadership. Yet, the following video represents the ‘thinking’ of many ex-Americans living in Israel today. The language used in the video is the rudest, most disgusting I have heard in years…. be warned!



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