Saturday, May 23

The Pope, Stephen Hawkins on Palestine and more actions

What the pope won’t see while visiting Palestine. He will not meet with local Christians. He will be prevented from standing next to the Apartheid wall and much more.
and he won't see these Children (Jesus would certainly have insisted to see them and help them):

Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Organisations Release Joint Fact
Sheet Calling for an End to International Donor Complicity in Israeli
Violations of International Law. To read the full text of the joint statement, visit:

Video: Stephen Hawkings, Another genius stating the simple truth about Israel and Gaza

Applicability of the crime of apartheid in Israel

Action: Contact the White House. Tell them what you think of AIPAC and of continued Israeli violations of International and Humanitarian law (all funded by US taxpayers):

ACTION: Today in Palestine will send you daily emails of what is going on in Palestine (things the mainstream media does not cover). The website is but I prefer a subscription to the excellent list newsletter: you may email and ask to be added.

Action: We face an environmental world catastrophe of a global and unprecedented nature. Global warming is real. Pollution is at unprecedented levels and human population growth and wasteful habits learned from the capitalist, consumerist society of the West are spreading. While we focus on human rights we must remember that one of those rights is to have a livable planet for our children and grandchildren. I will start inserting some ideas here to reduce waste, recycle products, and rehabilitate our environment. Today, I urge you (if you are not already doing) to separate organic matter from trash and compost all organic matter. See

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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