Tuesday, May 26

Abu Ala : settlers can stay on under Palestinian sovereignty and laws

As part of a peace agreement with Israel, the inhabitants of the major Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including Ariel and Maale` Adumim, will continue ``to stay in their homes under Palestinian sovereignty and laws,`` said the head of the Palestinian negotiating group Abu Ala (Ahmed Qrea) in an interview appearing in Haaretz today.

Abu Ala also said that a clear agreement on Israel`s borders with a Palestinian state ``will resolve no less than 70% of the entire conflict in the region``. ``We will not resume negotiations (with Israel),`` he added, ``without a complete stop to the settlements including what you call natural growth``.

In Abu Ala`s view ``the creation of a national unity government including Fatah and Hamas is a preliminary condition for peace with Israel. Much progress has been made in negotiations (between Fatah and Hamas) in Egypt``.

There is already an agreement between the two rival Palestinian organisations, according to Abu Ala, on the PLO as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinians and on its reform. They also agreed that Palestinian presidential and legislative elections will be held on January 25 2010, even if there are disagreements on the electoral system.

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