What I Learned at a Brooklyn Yeshiva
Jewish Children Are Brainwashed to Go AlongWith the Mass Murder of Arabs and Others
Comments by Cytations Reader Ken

Leading Israeli rabbi Ovadia Yosef (Shas party) called for the annihilation of Arabs in April 2001, not long before 9/11. "It is forbidden to be merciful to [Arabs]," he said.
I am a former Yeshiva student. I am a Jew. I grew up from the Kensington and Borough Park sections of Brooklyn, NY. My grandfather was an orthodox Jew and he was a violent hater of non-Jews ("goyim" ) and black people ("schwartze").
What exactly did I learn while attending Yeshiva all those years ago ? What exactly did they teach me there? Basically they taught me to venerate mass murderers who went around slaughtering the Hittites and the Canaanites, etc. They even taught me to sing songs about the mass-murder of non-Jews. "Hika Shaul bi arafav vi David vi rivi-votav." "Saul killed in the many hundreds and David killed in the many thousands" (pardon me if my translation is off. It's been many years and I am reciting all of this purely from memory).
The lesson that I learned while attending Yeshiva, then, is that Judaism is fundamentally predicated on the veneration of mass murderers.
The Jews who set up shop in Palestine ... those violently clannish people who call themselves "Israelis" ... they are basically spiritual and genetic descendants of mass murderers who in ancient times were known as "Israelites."
You can take my word for it when I tell you that they don't really care one iota about the lives of "goyim" because the lives of "goyim" are pretty meaningless as far as they're concerned.
Love for the Jews ("ahavat Yisroel") and the hell with everyone else ... this is basically what I learned while attending Yeshiva many years ago.
Jews against the world ...
Jews against the rest of humanity ...
They will pigeonhole you as a "hater" if you dare to criticize the Jews ...
People like Thoth will come along and they will even compare you to the likes of Hitler and Pol Pot (!!) if you dare to express horror at the behavior of the Israelites.
The Jews are good and decent people for the most part but their leaders are well-placed and they are extremely bloodthirsty.
Jewish extremists are commanding the US Army and that's why the US Army is exterminating Arabs in places like Najaf and Fallujah.
This is my humble and my honest opinion.
I am speaking as a Jew who once attended the Brighton Yeshiva on Neptune avenue in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn, New York.
El-mujaheed said "Ken, thanks for having some honesty in your statements.However, I'd like to ask you a very important question: why are Jews supporting their leaders if they are such "decent" people? Why do they support the evil that they do?"
THERE ARE some Jewish people who are sickened by the Jewish tradition of butchering innocent Arabs and non-Jews. I'm afraid that such people constitute an exceedingly small but "thinking" minority within the Jewish community. It shouldn't be very hard to understand why this is so once you understand the dynamics of "group think" and early childhood indoctrination.
It's a very rare person who can shake off the early indoctrination.
Most of them will just go along with it.
Jewish children are brainwashed and indoctrinated from an early age.
There was a psychologist in the early 20th century who said that if you indoctrinate a child at a very young age that he will be yours for life ... I believe that it was a gentleman who went by the name of John B. Watson ... Watson was the founder of the "behaviorist" school of psychology and he was the intellectual ancestor of B.F. Skinner.
El-mujaheed said "Why do Jews get kicked out of every nation that hosts them? Is this rather not a weird phenomenon? Or is it not that the jewish masses in general are traitors; both wittingly and unwittingly."
Jewish people are basically kind and considerate in spite of the horrendous and inhuman indoctrination to which they were subjected. Left to their own devices, most of them would NEVER engage in acts of atrocity against their Christian and Muslim brothers. The problem as I see it is that they have been brainwashed into believing that Arabs are "terrorists" and that they, as Jewish people, belong to a persecuted minority, so they just go along with the program and they never raise their voices in protest against the atrocities for which their leaders are legally and morally culpable.
If you believe that Arabs are "terrorists" who murder innocent Jews, it then becomes an easy thing to look the other way when the US Army is commandeered by high-ranking Jewish officials who are actively engaged in a program of genocide against the Arabs.
Thoth said "Sorry you hate your own culture, Ken."
I am absolutely opposed to the mass murder of Arabs.
The Arabs are my brothers and I wish them no harm.
I am opposed to the mass murder of Arabs because they are my fellow human beings.
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