Israelis march against IDF 'murder'
Raw : Protestors in Tel Aviv (Photo: Yaron Brener, YNet News)
For the killing of an anti-fence activist, Israel's peace activists have
taken to the streets of Tel Aviv.
This, from YNet News:
Hundreds of demonstrators hit Tel Aviv's streets Saturday evening to protest the killing of an anti-fence activist during a recent rally in Bilin.
The protestors, who marched from Ben Zion Boulevard to the Defense Ministry headquarters, said they intend to continue to protest the construction of the West Bank security fence despite their fear of being hurt by IDF troops.
Several dozen police officers were on hand in order to prevent disruptions as result of the march. Protestors were holding signs reading "Democracy isn't built on the bodies of demonstrators" and "Mr. Defense Minister, how many children did you murder today?"
The plight of Israeli peace activists is one not often covered in the media. To see them so prominantly featured in a popular Israeli news outlet is encouraging.
-- Stephen C. Webster
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