Friday, April 17

How could Iran keep its Nuclear-programs ?

TheIronSheik005.jpg The Iron Sheik image by The_Ultimate_Wrestling_Gallery

the WWF decides

who is ,or who is not ,

the Bad-Guy.

( a competition to the White-House)

How could Iran keep its Nuclear-programs ??

Very easy my Dear Dr. Watson ......
Some condition shall have to be met , first :
1- Change (only) its name into
The Democratic Republic of Iran
2- Wipe off the Map....the name of "Palestine"
3- Bring back the son of the Shah
4- Recognise the State of Zion
5- Replace the Shador with clothes
designed by Madonna
6- Replace Terrorism by Kentucky Fried Chicken
7- Stop supporting Hezbollah
and replace it by the WWF.
8- Stop looking towards Kerballa.......
9- Open a branch in Dimona
10-Call all the above measures "Progress"
and only then ,the USA shall call it
"friendly" and "peace-loving-nation"
whereas Nuclear power and even Nuclear-Bombs
shall be tolerated and encouraged.
Sherlock Hommos
NB :
The WWF is World Wrestling Federation
which has produced among the world's best actors
and choreographers.

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