Monday, April 27


With the echoes of outrage still resounding after the farcical walkout
during President Ahmadinejad’s speech at the Durban Review Conference in
Geneva last week, it is clear that those howling the loudest have not
bothered to read it or have put their lot in holus-bolus with Israel. One
such is our own Prime Minister Kevin Rudd who attended the Australia-Israel
Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Friday and had no qualms of conscience in
giving the obligatory obeisance to Israel. So what did the prime minister
say?“I further acknowledge the great work of the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce in hosting today’s function and in supporting the relationship between Australia and Israel and enabling me to confirm again publicly
before you all what I have said throughout my political career that I am a
lifelong friend of the State of Israel.”

And further, in relation to the Durban Review Conference:

“Australia cannot support and will not support a document which reaffirms
the 2001 Durban declaration and program of action. That 2001 declaration
singled out Israel. The inflammatory remarks of President Admadinejad of
Iran at the conference are unacceptable and underlined the Australian
Government’s decision not to attend that conference. The Australian
Government condemns the continued campaign of anti-Semitism on behalf
of the government of Iran.”

The prime minister’s full speech can be heard by accessing this link

Just to reiterate a statement made in an earlier email on the Durban Review
Conference - there was nothing anti-Semitic in the speech given by President
Ahmadinejad. It is the usual charge to stop any criticism of Israel and also to
dump on Iran, possibly as a demonising lead up to a war that Israel wants and
may well ignite, drawing in the whole world.

Well might we ask - why is our new Labor Government of so much promise,
falling over itself to declare fealty to Israel? According to a news report this
weekend (appropriately on Anzac Day), the prime minister is set to announce
a $100 billion-plus military plan – the biggest build-up since World War II – and
although nothing has been reported yet, Israel may well be involved. It was
just 18 months ago that Israel’s new ambassador to Australia said “we’ll see
if there is room for further co-operation on defence and security-related
matters” once the Free Trade Agreement is finalised. In 2006, Australia
received classified defence technology from Israel totalling $14 million - a
figure projected for fast growth that is likely to see Australia acquiring
high-end robotic technology, smart missiles and unmanned aerial drones from
Israel which is known to be the world leader in these areas. Training
exchanges involving Australian and Israeli Defence Force personnel are
already taking place. (“Israel deal to boost defence”, The Australian,

It seems though that Israel has not learned its lesson over the deeply-held
attachment Australians have for the resting places of their fallen soldiers.
Only last year, Israeli officials faced embarrassment over the neglect of
the historic site in Beersheba where Australian soldiers had fought and won
a significant victory. The Australian government had to order an
investigation into the shocking state of the site caused by Israelis who
used it as a rubbish tip. Australia’s Pratt Foundation created a big affair
by setting up a theme park in memory of the Australian soldiers and
commissioning a statue for it.

This year, Israel bombarded the Gaza War Cemetery of 3,000 graves and ended
up badly damaging some 300 graves, 10 of which belonged to Australian
diggers. While at first there were disgraceful hints that this was the work
of Palestinian militants and that the graves had not been properly tended,
the spent shells from Israeli tanks were clearly evident in the cemetery.
Furthermore, past Australian visitors to Gaza were able to vouch for the
beautifully-tended cemetery before Israel’s attack. It perhaps says
something that for the very first time since 1917, an Anzac Day service was
permitted in Gaza to remember the 230 soldiers buried there, new headstones
were allowed in to replace the damaged ones and Ibrahim Jeradeh, the
Palestinian gardener who has tended those graves for 50 years was awarded a
plaque in recognition of his work.

Returning to the Durban Review Conference that our prime minister dismissed
because of what he calls a continued campaign of anti-Semitism by the
government of Iran, we have included for your interest four
statements/articles by four eminent Jews who have shown no reluctance to
call Israel a racist state, worse than Apartheid South Africa, born out of
Jewish terrorism, guilty of war crimes, and beginning to go the way of the
Nazis with its genocidal acts that threaten to wipe out Palestinian society.
Now why would they say these things unless there is enough evidence to
warrant such statements? Unlike others who sit on the sidelines and are
quick to mouth what is expected of them without a moment’s thought for the
lives of so many innocent Palestinians, Pappe, Kaufman, Falk and Kasrils
have come to their conclusions after much painful deliberation. Please do
them the courtesy of reading what they have to say. It should make our
prime minister think twice about bonding Australia unconditionally closer
to Israel.

- SK

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