Monday, April 27


Micheline Garreau posted an announcement to the cause Palestinian & International Campaign - End the Siege & Lift Blockade of Gaza .

More and more people from all over the world will join us in the coming weeks at the Rafah crossing, Egyptian side, to pressure all the world leaders to end the Gaza Siege and to open the Gaza borders, specially the Rafah border.

Early in May, human rights activists from Jordan, France, Italy and other Europeans countries will join Egyptian human rights activists at the Rafah border.

We will also support the European Campaign to End the Siege in Gaza (ECESG)’s Hope For Gaza Convoy which will land in Alexandria on May 9th. Activists in Alexandria will welcome them and some of our activists will join the convoy till the Rafah Crossing. (see below)

Mi-may, groups from Canada, Europe, Syria and US will also join the activists already here. We will update you about these activities which will be organised in cooperation with people in Gaza.

During its three-week long, criminal attack, Israel devastated the entire infrastructure of the Gaza Strip and left its 1.4 million inhabitants in dire straits. Now, 3 months later, more than 10.000 people are still living under tents, families are separated, hospitals, schools, factories, houses need to be rebuild.

The border crossings must be opened to allow essential humanitarian aid and reconstruction materials free entry.

For the human rights activists and individuals who want to come and join us here in Rafah, please don’t forget to bring camping materials like:

- sleeping bags
- tents
- camping stoves
- and so on

For those who didn’t register them yet, please contact us at :

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December, 10th 1948)
Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Convoy Update: Ambulances and Medical Aids to Gaza

London, April 23, 2009 –

As part of its activities, The European Campaign to End the Siege in Gaza (ECESG), is restlessly preparing, in race against time, a convoy of medical aid to Gaza.

A convoy of tens of trucks, which has been widely received, will be going to Gaza to support the besieged people. Several European NGO's, MPs and individuals announced they are going to participate in "Hope For Gaza Convoy"

Khaled Yousef, representative of the convoy in Sweden said that some Arabic and Islamic associations donated several trucks containing wheelchairs and medical equipments for the People of Gaza, along with 2 ambulances.

In the United Kingdom, Birmingham city will send a number of doctors and medical specialists to help Palestinians in Gaza. Also, four trucks of strongly needed medications and medical equipments. Many Individual and human right activists will join the convoy. UK participants will leave late in April to Italy where the convoy is gathering.

The number of medical vehicles and ambulances has so far come to 12. It’s expected that more will be included to the convoy. The dozens of trucks will be loaded with medical items and equipments for disabled children from the latest Israeli war in Gaza.

“We have got tens of requests from people to join the convoy from across Europe. People are yearning to visit Gaza to give a helping hand for the crushed besieged people over there. ECESG will give priority for doctors, human rights activists and journalists in the first place. Ramy Abdu, convoy coordinator said

In the official level, around 10 European and British MPs are expected to participate in the convoy. According to Abdu, some more might join in the next few days.

In the meantime, some trucks and vans have already arrived into Italy, Milan from many European countries. The rest would arrive in couple of days as the convoy will move as scheduled early in May from Milan then Alexandria then Gaza.

The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza, (ECESG)

Dernières informations

De plus en plus de personnes du monde entier vont venir nous rejoindre dans les semaines à venir au point de passage de Rafah, côté égyptien, pour faire pression sur les dirigeants du monde entier jusqu’à la levée du au siège de Gaza et l’ouverture de ses frontières, en particulier la frontière de Rafah.
Début Mai, des militants des droits de l'homme jordaniens, français, italiens et autres pays européens viendront rejoindre les militants égyptiens à la frontière de Rafah.

Ensuite, nous soutiendrons le convoi « Espoir pour Gaza » de la Campagne Européenne pour la levée du Siège de Gaza (ECESG) qui accostera à Alexandrie le 9 Mai. Les militants les accueilleront à...


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