Friday, April 24

Al-Arian Hearing Canceled; Press Conference at DOJ

Dear Friends,

In a surprise announcement Dr. Sami Al-Arian’s hearing scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled. Judge Leonie Brinkema will be moving forward with a WRITTEN ORDER instead. No one has received any explanations as to why and naturally we are concerned about the implications. A press conference will be held tomorrow instead at 9:30 am in front of the Department of Justice.

This last minute change could have occurred because the Court got wind of the tremendous interest the public and media have in this case. It is still vital to show our concern and attend the press conference noted below. There is NO SEATING LIMIT in front of the Department of Justice. Join Dr. Al-Arian’s supporters, who are coming from as far as Florida, Tennessee and California. Please make an effort to attend the press conference and invite even more people.

What: A press conference by the Tampa-based Friends of Human Rights will take place at the Department of Justice to call for the dismissal of the charges against Dr. Al-Arian and a protest against the anti-Muslim bias of the prosecutor.

When: April 24, 2009 9:30 AM

Where: The Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20004

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