Monday, April 6

2 Little Actions For Palestine

Andrew John Silvera posted an announcement to the cause Palestinian & International Campaign - End the Siege & Lift Blockade of Gaza .

If anyone has a little spare time, could they plz use it by personalising this pre-written letter from Amnesty International (US) to:

Ask Secretary Clinton Why the US Continues to Deliver Arms to Israel

Despite strong evidence of the misuse of U.S. weapons against civilians in Gaza, Amnesty International recently revealed that the United States sent a massive new shipment of arms to Israel. The Wehr Elbe, a ship controlled by the U.S. Military Sealift Command, docked and unloaded several thousand tons of arms on March 22 at the Israeli port of Ashdod. Ask State Department officials why the United States would deliver these arms to Israel.

& then maybe?

Plz Sign & Share this Petition/Resolution Toward A One State Solution

Please sign the petition and leave your comments/opinions, and encourage all of your friends to do so as well by forwarding this message and link:

Very Sincerely,
Gordon Sturrock (petition admin and signer)

Least of all, cos:

Gaza Aid Prevented by U.S.
By Pål Hellesnes, Translated By Lars Erik Schou
31st March 2009
The United States (U.S.) Patriot Act is preventing Save The Children Norway from rebuilding schools in Gaza. The organization is in despair.

"We are allowed to distribute emergency rations, such as food and water, but systematic relief efforts and rebuilding is blocked", according to Bjørn Lindgren, Save The Children's regional director for Europe and the Middle East, in a Klassekampen interview. "It is a terrible policy that keeps us from helping children."

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