Sunday, March 29

Orders to the Government of Ontario from the B'nai Brith

Greetings all

Thought you all may be interested in this extremely omnious press release... Unbelievable!!! What will they try next to hold back the avalanche of truth?


'McGuinty Government should impose conditions on its funding to Ontario universities,' says B'nai Brith Canada TORONTO, March 27, 2009 - B'nai Brith Canada has called on the Ontario Government to impose conditions on its planned infusion of $150-million dollars to Ontario's post-secondary institutions to help ease the burden of their funding shortfalls.

"We applaud Premier Dalton McGuinty's promised infusion of cash to campuses that are struggling to keep afloat in a deteriorating economy," said Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada. "However, like any other bailout package, we urge the Government to set conditions that must be met by the funding recipients.

"Campuses must undertake a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to hate.
They must ensure an environment that is free from the kind of intimidation that we have witnessed in recent months, like for example at York University in particular. No Jew-baiting. No hateful events like Israeli Apartheid Week that are designed to be divisive and which serve as a rallying card for all haters of the Jewish State and its supporters.

"Finally, universities must not only impose, but also enforce, disciplinary measures against campus agitators who deliberately stir the anti-Jewish pot.

"We urge Premier McGuinty to demonstrate strong leadership by using this opportunity to improve the situations on so many campuses, where Jewish students have routinely become isolated and marginalized. We further call on Premier McGuinty to denounce Israeli Apartheid Week and to recognize it for what it is: a hate fest that serves no constructive end."

For more information, please contact, Karen Lazar, National Director of

416-633-6224 X 140 / cell: 416-312-9173

B'nai Brith Canada says it has been active in Canada since 1875 as the Jewish community's foremost human rights agency, to bad that never included human rights for everyone especially the Palestinians.

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