Saturday, March 7

From Gaza to London: In Pictures From Life’s Other Side

See the original image at —

However, I was documenting the aftermath step by step - I toured in most of the devastated areas where I have seen massive insane damage and smelled death coming out of the rubble. I have heard many sad accounts of killing and slow death. I became introverted for some days and I lost the ability to write. [Includes a lot of pics from Gaza

Before, I wrote a diary called "from Gaza To Rome"Today, I write "from Gaza To London"

As a survivor of the Israeli war on Gaza, I would be the first speaker to embark on a comprehensive tour of the UK. I will be speaking in parliament, touring colleges and universities, PSC branch meetings and other events to bring more awareness about Palestine and the last war launched against Gaza. I just got to Cairo and I'm flying to London within hours. Just, in the car, I started to make my first simple and humble report. However, I was so tired from the long hours of travel - I attempted in the below works to get you updated of the situation within the Gaza Strip. I'm completing more reports and photo-stories from Gaza and I will be releasing them so soon!

The latest Israeli onslaught has left massive damage and affected nearly all aspects of life. I have written many stories but have not had the time to publish them due to dedicating my efforts to the launching of the first Palestinian Electronic Newspaper (The Palestinian Telegraph – first edition out any day soon). A newspaper that would be very comprehensive and informative, dealing with Palestine, the Middle-East and world news. However, I was documenting the aftermath step by step - I toured in most of the devastated areas where I have seen massive insane damage and smelled death coming out of the rubble. I have heard many sad accounts of killing and slow death. I became introverted for some days and I lost the ability to write. I'm trying to gather all my energy to get the words out. In the meantime, I would like to let you live Gaza through my photos!

1- Gazan Children: Moments of Ecstasy out of War Rubble.

I spent a few special moments along with my friend Janet taking photos of young children in Juhr El Dik in middle of Gaza. The area was totally damaged. More than 150 houses partially and totally ruined. Many people were killed. Children there don't have any of the basics of life and thus nothing called fun or joy could be recognized there. It's only death and the fear of more in attendance. [more pics-

2- Rain and Snow Make Matters Worse After the Israeli Blitz.

For the first time ever Gaza saw snow. A nice white layer covered most of the streets. For a moment, destruction and devastation hid behind that nice white dress. Quickly, the snow melted and the rubble appeared again. [more pics-
[Hey man, this is England, get used to it!]

3- Central Gaza Strip Devastated: Many Children Displaced.

The area witnessed heavy Israeli attacks during the three-week invasion. There is an account for the Abu Hajaj family where more than 30 members were kept in one house, which even had no bathroom. Thus, they had no choice but to relieve nature in the same room they were kept in. Additionally, two women were killed. For long hours the Red Cross and paramedics tried to rescue them but the soldiers said no until they died. [more pics-

4- A Journey of Torture: Trying to Leave the Gaza Jail

After the massacre, I managed to secure a UK visa to speak in parliament and tour Britain, hopefully to include Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Yet I was trapped and refused exit more than once to leave Gaza. I suffered a lot, as did thousands of other people who tried to cross. For three days I tried but I failed. It was nice to have my camera with me. We stayed in the buses for more than 12 hours at a time! You are invited to live the suffering here. [more pics-

All being well, Sameh will be in the UK by Friday & can be contacted:

Sameh A. Habeeb, B.A.
Photojournalist & Peace Activist
Humanitarian, Child Relief Worker
Gaza Strip, Palestine
Mob: 00972599306096
Tel: 0097282802825

Skype: Gazatoday, Facebook: Sameh A. habeeb

Daily Photos:

Though none too sure yet of his mobile number once here – I should have some idea of his whereabouts & availability if anyone knows of any bookings for him.
Andrew 07526128657 ,


07949725139 - that's his number!

More details:

Anyone wishing to help Sameh out on his tour of the UK in way at all, or like to book him for a talk on recent events should contact he will be available come Monday 9th. 02077006313

Im hoping, while he is under the wing of the PSC & they are having a lobby of parliament on Weds 11th, that they will have him to hand - suppose I'd rather see him than my MP but duty calls....

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