Tuesday, February 24

Zionism and Palestine, Part 3/3

ZIONISM AND PALESTINE: A PRE-PLANNED AND PRE-MEDITATED EFFORT FOR ETHNIC CLEANSING AND LAND THEFT A STRATEGY FOR ISRAEL IN THE 1980’s: Oded Yinon, a journalist and analyst of Middle Eastern affairs and former senior Foreign Ministry official wrote an article, which appeared in the World Zionist Organization’s periodical Kivunim in February 1982. In his article, Yinon outlined ‘A Strategy for Israel in the 1980’s’, which called for the dissolution and fragmentation of the Arab states. (Nur Masalha, A Land Without a People: Israel, Transfer and the Palestinians 1949 - 96. London: Faber and Faber ltd., 1997, pp. 196 - 198, citing Oded Yinon, A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s, [Hebrew], Kivunim, Jerusalem, No. 14, February 1982, pp. 53 - 58)

PNAC: On July 8, 1996, Richard Perle, a former head of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon, delivered a document to the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Perle, and a team of American neo-cons, had been tasked by Netanyahu to draft a new Israeli strategy that would abrogate the Oslo Accords and overturn the entire concept of ‘comprehensive land for peace’ in favor of a policy of military conquest and occupation.

A Washington-based neo-conservative think-tank, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), was founded in 1997 to ‘rally support for American global leadership’. The events of September 11, 2001 provided a window of opportunity for furthering PNAC’s agenda. The ‘Cold War’ was replaced with a new war against ‘Islamic Terror’, which is used as a pretext to justify Imperialist and Zionist wars.

THE DEMOGRAPHIC THREAT HAUNTS THE ZIONISTS: Figures published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics on 22 April 2007 indicate that the population of Israel number 7,150,000 of whom 5,725,000 (80%) are Jewish. Arabs living within the borders of Mandate Palestine are approximately 4.5 million. Within ten to fifteen years, Arabs living within the borders of Mandate Palestine would become the majority even if the Palestinian Refugees living outside Palestine were not allowed to return to the homes and lands that were usurped from them.

Accordingly, a systemic effort to confront the ‘demographic threat’ was introduced by the Zionists according to which annual conferences were held in the Institute of Policy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center – Herzliya. In these conferences, the Zionists discuss and confront this basic and ‘strategic threat’ to the Zionist entity. The first conference was held in December 2001.

ILLUSIONS OF PEACE: Peace with the Zionists is a mere illusion. ‘Peace Talks’ are used as a cover for continued Ethnic Cleansing and Land Theft.

Following the ‘Middle East Peace Conference’ that was convened in Madrid on 30 October 1991, Israeli PM Shamir declared that he wanted the negotiations in Washington (following the Madrid conference) to continue for 10 years, if need be, so that he had enough time to keep on going with planned Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and leave nothing for the negotiations to talk about. (Mohammad Hassanine Haikal, Secret Negotiations between the Arabs and Israel, in Arabic, Cairo, 1996, Volume III, p. 254)

On 17 June 1996 Israel’s PM Netanyahu’s office released a statement outlining his government’s guidelines with regard to the ‘peace processes’. It said no to withdrawal from the OPT, no to a Palestinian State, no to an official Palestinian presence in Jerusalem, and no to the refugees’ right of return “to any part of the Land of Israel west of the Jordan River”. (Elia Zureik, The Palestinian Refugees: Background. Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington, 1996. p. 127)

EPILOGUE: The Zionists’ latest hysterical, wicked, criminal and genocidal war in the Gaza Strip reflects their realization of the reality in Palestine. In spite of all their efforts and in spite of all the support they get from the American and European Imperialist powers, Palestinian Arabs did not vanish into thin air.

The ‘Zionist State’ in Palestine is a mere illusion whose fate would not be better than that of the Crusaders. The Crusaders ruled for about 200 years in Palestine. The Zionist entity would not last that long.

Nizar Sakhnini, 24 February 2009

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