![]() you cannot argue against a Knock-out !! If you are following the Middle East conflict closely or remotely even , you would have to conclude that since 1967 Israel did not score any (classical) military-victory. 1973 was a half-victory because Israel was not completely defeated nor it was fully victorious... 1978 was an invasion of South Lebanon without any sustainable results . 1982 was an invasion of Lebanon to secure the departure of the PLO who re-gathered back elsewhere. 2006 was a blind-bombing of Beirut just to try to weaken the Hezbollah who came back stronger. 2008 was a bombing of Gazza just for some sadistic-satisfaction while Hamas has had nothing to loose. What is next ?? Where is next ?? we shall see..... The myth of the victorious-miraculous-divine- but ........ because of the Media-Manipulations and of the PR-achievements and the ever-so-close-relations to the USA Israel is still declared , as a winner. It is like a boxing fight where Israel looses by the-points-count but at the end of the match, the Referee (the Media + USA) declares Israel as the winner !! As in any boxing match , you have to knock-out your opponent in order not to leave your fate in the hands of an opinion taken by a referee. Israel shall give us the Peace we deserve, only if and when it is defeated, by a knock-out !! and not by some UN Resolutions..... or some scandalous-report on Al Jazeera or a negative Amnesty-International report. Raja Chemayel (if the Referee is not to be trusted , use your muscles) |
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