Israeli policies of terrorism and genocide against the Palestinian people found their latest expression in the massive onslaught on Gaza, which has killed hundreds of people, destroyed the entire manufacturing and agricultural sectors and poisoned the Strip with depleted uranium and white phosphorus for all times. People everywhere are searching for ways to stop Israeli atrocities, and the BDS campaign, BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT AND SANCTIONS, is the nonviolent alternative to armed resistance.
There are a lot of groups working on a boycott of Israeli goods. This really is an on-going project, in which many people and groups SHOULD be working, given that Israeli hold on the American economy is so pervasive, and the Zionist control of our Mainstream Media is so tight.
These are a few websites that can tell us more about a boycott: what companies to boycott, what groups we can contact as individuals for more information about boycotting.
We all need to be boycotting ANY products grown or manufactured in Israel, or producted by companies that support Israel AT ALL TIMES. It is only by concerted vigilance that we will succeed. But we CAN. Si, se puede!!!! The grape boycott worked and the boycott of Israel can work, too.
Hajja Romi
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