Friday, January 30

You are killing people Erdogan tells Peres, as he walks off stage

Turkey's prime minister has stormed off the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos after a heated debate on Gaza with Israel's terrorist president.

Mr Tayyip Erdogan clashed with terrorist Shimon Peres, whose voice had risen as he made an "impassioned" defence of Israel's war crimes, jabbing his finger.

Mr Erdogan said Shimon Peres had spoken so loudly to conceal his "guilt".

He accused the moderator of not allowing him to speak and said he did not think he would return to Davos.

The Turkish PM stressed later that he had left the debate not because of his disagreements with Peres but because he had been given much less time to speak than the Israeli leader.

In the debate, Mr Erdogan was cut off as he attempted to reply to Peres.

When the audience applauded Peres, Mr Erdogan said: "I find it very sad that people applaud what you said. You killed people. And I think that it is very wrong."

The moderator, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, had given him a minute to reply, then asked him to finish, saying that people needed to go to dinner.

"I do not think I will be coming back to Davos after this because you do not let me speak," Mr Erdogan shouted before marching off the stage in front of Peres, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Mossa and an elite audience of ministers and international officials.

On his return from Davos, Turkish PM has received a hero's welcome in Istanbul and gave press conference.

Here are the selected highlights of the press conference:



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