Saturday, January 17

Tell Big Media to STOP GAZA Blackout and Biased coverage


Can you help me with this?? GAZA NEEDS YOUR VOICE.
While Gaza's Women and Children are being massacred, America's big media are implementing a Gaza Media Blackout. They refuse to show the deaths, destruction and humanitarian crisis.

American politicians will not act to stop the war unless the people speak out, the people will not speak out unless they know the truth. Big media's unethical actions are allowing Israelis to kill more civilians.

IS GAZA WORTH 30 seconds of your time?? Use the below link to send a letter to big media presidents demanding an end to the Media blackout right now

I just sent an email via the GazaJustice website to the media executives, it was very easy, the letter is already done, all you have to do is add your name and click send.

Please don't wait, people's lives depend on your action.


Don't ignore this message, it will only take you 30 seconds to sign the letter. Use the below link, please make sure you forward this alert to everyone you know.

-Thank you and May God help the innocent


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