Below are authenticated videos of the carnage of the past two weeks.Please take a very close look at the attached photo of Samera Baalusha (34) carrying her sole surviving child Mohamad (15 months) while she waits to see the body of her daughter Jawaher Baalusha (aged 4) during the funeral held for her and four other daughters of hers who were killed in an Israeli missile strike, on December 29, 2008 in the Jebaliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip. Picture of the five dead sisters also attached. Take a very close look at this and then decide if you really want to see the videos.
On Thursday at 10 AM local time, we will have an event in the Manger square (Church of Nativity, Bethlehem) and at 6 PM a vigil in Beit Sahour (this one done daily in front of a tent of resistance). We hope those of you in Palestine can join us for these ongoing events. And please do continue doing actions for peace with justice (we sent out a list of 25 actions you could take earlier). I hope to live to see the day Israeli war criminals are brought before the International Court of Justice at the Hague.
Video on day 9 of shelling, whole families obliterated
Norwegian doctor report from Gaza
Israel shelled UN school compound killing 40 people
Father loses his parents, four children and other members of his family after the Israelis gather neighbors in one house and then shell it
Another father who lost three children speaks in Hebrew to Ehud Barak
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