Saturday, January 10

Kawther Salam - Palestinian Police Attack Demonstrators

Today, January 9, 2009, thousands of demonstrators protested against the Israeli war crimes in Gaza and chanted against the Israeli and Egypt governments. The demonstrators were free to chant what ever they wanted and to raise any flag and slogan they want. Everywhere in the world. We did not hear that the police used violence against demonstrators, attacked or beat them. In Vienna I saw the police were smiling and helping the demonstrators to be safe, and judging by their expressions they were as disgusted of the bestial crimes of Israel as the demonstrators. They closed the main street before transportation, so the demonstrators feel safe and free. The demonstrators chanted in front of Parliament, and in front of the houses of the President and the Chancellor.

The only immoral behavior of the police was seen in Palestine, in Ramallah and Hebron under the Palestinian Authority. Prime minister Salam Fayyad and his cabinet of traitors, the dogs representing the CIA and Israel and their police attacked the demonstrators and injured dozens of them. In Ramallah, the PA police clashed with demonstrators who dared to raise some green flags and chant slogans supporting Hamas. The Palestinian police attacked the demonstrators and beat them with cudgels and barred them from chanting against the Israeli occupation.

demo_jan-323In Hebron, the Palestinian police used violence against the demonstrators and forced them to cancel their demonstration against the Israeli war crimes in Gaza using brutal violence and tear gas. Dozens were injured as a result of the violent excesses of the police. The victims were transferred for the medical treatment to various hospitals.

Ayman Daraghma, a Legislative Council member of Hamas said that the Palestinian demo_jan-480demonstration in Hebron was an expression of solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip who face the daily death, horror, ethnic cleansing of the Israeli war criminals. Daragma said that the Palestinian police prevented the demonstrators from raise the green flag which belongs to Hamas, and clashed violently with them. He added that the Palestinian situation in Gaza is horrible and that it is necessary to promote national unity. The PA police told the people that it was forbidden to demonstrate in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza. The violence against the demonstrators was coordinated between the PA and Israel.

After the Palestinian police attacked the demonstrators and injured many of them, the demonstrators moved to the old city under the Israeli police control to express their anger against the murder of Palestinians in Gaza. The Israeli military faced the demonstrators with illegal rubber bullets, tear gas and live bullets, causing some injuries among the demonstrators.



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