Thursday, January 8


Every needless civilian death in Gaza, particularly children, is a tragedy for mankind because it slows our inevitable innate evolutionary process to unite, empower and cooperate with one another versus dominate, control and destroy each other: Allen L Roland Israel launched Operation Cast Lead on Hamas on December 27 with a massive air bombardment of Gaza, and sent in thousands of ground troops a week later.

So far, 635 Palestinians have been killed(and counting) including more than 220 children and 130 women with more than 3000 wounded ( over 50% of them women and children ) This includes a clearly marked UN run Gaza school.

The intensive Israeli propaganda campaign around their attack on Gaza has been greeted with unusual skepticism by a growing percentage of the American public and even by some of the mainstream US press.

Even the Jewish American community is uneasy about this one as featured on Richard Silverstein located here and rightfully so ~ for the heedless loss of civilian life in Gaza is beginning to touch a deep universal chord of humaneness that knows no International, geographic or ideological boundaries.
In that regard, Palestinian children are increasingly among the dead as the Gaza death toll continues to rise under Israel's deadly assault on Gaza.

You can go here and see AlJazeeraEnglish reporting the latest atrocities in this illegal war within an illegal occupation.

More children among Gaza dead

Veteran journalist Robert Fisk describes war as the total failure of the human spirit: " How can anyone expect the wide-scale butchering in Gaza to be any different when the dogs of war have been let loose? Psychosis, mental illness, the specious "logic" of it all: The fundamental assumption that war can ever solve a crisis is false. Has this not been apparent from the beginning of history?"
Only Music and Art can transform the monstrosity of war into a vehicle that can penetrate our defenses of apathy, denial and separation that keep us from the realization and consciousness that we are all one family on this planet. Only ego consciousness and separation keeps us from the ultimate truth that a state of love, joy and soul consciousness ( The Unified Field here ) lies deepest within us all and beneath our deepest fears ~ and its principle property is the universal urge to unite.
As such, here is the latest must see video pop single from Faithless which graphically and beautifully depicts how every needless death in the world now effects us all. We cannot hide from the fact that we are all brothers and sisters and are being forced by innate evolutionary forces to unite and cooperate with one another. We resist this universal urge to unite at our peril ~ when will we universally exclaim and demand NO MORE WAR !
Urge an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire - click
here now.

Allen Roland

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