Friday, January 9

Children Survive the Israeli Destruction

"To you all I say that your debauchery and your unlimited support for the Israeli genocide and war crimes has reached a level which makes even the stones speak."
(shame on you America!, and the rest of the world who supports Natzi Israel)

Kawther Salam

The story of the eight children of Al-Samouni family who survived six days together with their beloved dead family under the rubble of their house in Gaza, and the story of dead people who are still under the rubble of their houses in b0918160515Gaza, and the story of barring the rescuers from gathering the wounded people and collecting the dead bodies is a war crime which gives me the right to shout loudly, in the face of the deaf international political community, the leaders of the Holocaust in Palestine who are still crying about the Jewish holocaust in Europe, paying them compensation and freeing them from paying taxes, establishing more laws in their favor and denying the people who pay taxes the right to open their mouth to talk against the crimes of Israel.

To you all I say that your debauchery and your unlimited support for the Israeli genocide and war crimes has reached a level which makes even the stones speak. Your continuous support to the Israeli criminality and holocaust against the Palestinians in Gaza will cause your nations many tragedies and deep suffering. Each surviving child and person who has seen the murder of his family and the destruction of his house will never help Israel to live in peace, even if an army from all the nations of the world goes to Gaza to protect Israel. Destruction, murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes will never bring peace to Israel, or end the Palestinian resistance. The Israeli war crimes are mobilizing new generations of hate around the world as well as in the Arab countries against Israel and the Jews of the diaspora.

I wonder if your so-called "international community" understands, or if you all deaf and blind before the facts. I wonder what is behind your sacrifice and support for ethnic cleansing, for all the war crimes of Israel? Are you scared of b0918155246the Jews returning to Europe or are you scare from the Jewish lobby and the Zionist organizations? Why will you not bring the Jews back to Europe instead of supporting their genocide and criminality everywhere in the world? Why will you not stop financing their genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and giving them unfair tax advantages in Europe? Why are you allowing the Israeli Jews to climb on the shoulder of your people? Why have you adopted such laws which free the Israeli Jews from paying taxes for 10 years for their projects in Europe? We would appreciate if you collect this criminal garbage from our land and take them back to Europe, instead of supporting their crimes against humanity for even one more day.

The story of the survival of the Al-Samouni children under the rubble of their house is a blot of shame on you, of shame on your useless laws, of shame on your craven humanity, of shame your dignity, of shame on your morality …

For six days of horror, 144 hour of terrorism, these children lived together with their beloved dead family under the rubble of their house destroyed by Israel. Without food, or cover, in the cold of winter and under the Israeli bombs and the noise of their air strikes. Six days of living among the dead under the silence of your criminal politicians.
What shall we tell these surviving children? Should we tell them that the Israeli air strike was "defending the State of Israel" when they ga-3killed their family? Should we tell them that Hamas is responsible for destroying the house over their heads, and that they should take revenge from Hamas? Should we tell them that the international criminal court does not exist any more? Should we recommend them to forget the six days of horror, and the death of their family? Should we tell them that they are not human beings and that Israelis are the only human beings and the chosen people God ? Shame on you all and on your craven humanity. Shame on you and your racism. Shame on you and on your laws. You are all criminal and racist liars.

Many dead people from Al-Samouni family are still under the rubble of their destroyed house. The rescuers are not able to search for the bodies under ga-1continuous bombing of the Israeli criminals. But the children of the Al-Samouni family were not the only children found alive under the rubble of the Israeli destruction. The International Committee of the Red Cross found other four small children alive next to their mothers bodies in the Al-Zaytun neighborhood of Gaza, where the house of the family was shelled by Israel, and 15 relatives and neighbors of these children were recovered wounded from under the rubble.

According to Dr. Moaiya Hassanain, 35 bodies of dead people have been found in the rubble of a Gaza strip battle zone. The bodies were discovered on Thursday during a three-hour lull in fighting. Israel agreed to the pause to allow aid shipments into Gaza.

Red Cross spokesman Pierre Wettach said that rescuers had been refused ga-2permission by Israeli authorities to reach the site of the houses which the Israeli military bombed while the people had been inside for four days. He said that the incident is really "shocking." The Geneva-based group said in a statement that the Israeli military failed to meet its obligation under international humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded; the Israeli delay in allowing access to rescue services was unacceptable, and according to the Geneva Conventions this is considered as a war crime.

On the other hand, dozens of Arab Union Doctors made a sit-in at the Rafah border as a protest against the Egyptian authorities, which does not allow them to enter the Gaza Strip. And Egyptian authorities continued their restriction of movement against humanitarian aid reaching Gaza. The Secretary-General of the Federation of Arab Doctors condemned the measures of the Egyptian authorities. He said that the Egyptian doctors have carried out a sit-protest to call the attention of the Egyptian authorities to the urgently needed of opening of the Rafah crossing. --

'If you don't take responsibility for what goes in your mind, someone else will" ~Paul McKenna, PhD

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