Thursday, December 11

Selective attention in the Middle East

One thing that becomes very apparent when you leave the US news media bubble is that Americans do not receive real news on conditions in Palestine.

When Palestinians are portrayed in the US news media its exclusively as poverty cases, malcontents, and "terrorists."

The fact that Palestinians have a history and a culture, and that they were removed from their lands and orchards at gunpoint and herded into "refugee camps" is completely censored.

With dual US-Israeli citizen Rahm Emmanuel, son of a member of an Israeli group designated as terrorist by the British government, acting as Barrack Obama's right hand man, this moral blindness is unlikely to change.

Here's one of the stories you'll never see on US TV.

The real neo-Nazis
The western world lives in fear of "neo-nazis"- mostly clueless, ineffectual baffoons who march around in support of the racist, whites-uber-alles principles of the Third Reich.

However, when looking for real world Nazi-like behavior, one need look no further than Israeli's ongoing "blockade" of Gaza and other areas occupied by Palastinian refugees.

The "ghetto-ization" of the Palestinians by Israel is the exact same tactic the Nazis used in their plan to destroy Jewish communities throughout Europe.

The Nazis forced Jews to live in walled-in, segregated communities (ghettos) and then choked off the normal flow of trade to those communities - depriving them of the normal supports of life.

Here's one manifestation of Israeli's "policy" in action.

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