We share in this pre-Christmas message a good article by Gideon Levy, a video report on PalestienRemembered.com (the best web portal for Palestinians), ideas for making your year-end donation, and a press release on Wednesday and Thursday events in the Shepherds' field in Palestine (including a picture of Shepherds at the wall). But first, there is still time to make year end donations to help in Palestine. There are so many charities which we highlight in our emails through the year. For this Christmas season, I am highlighting a small group of many:
Humanitarian aid (can designate for Gaza)
UNRWA http://www.unrwa.org
Middle East Children Alliance http://www.mecaforpeace.org
Activism in the US
Council for the National Interest http://www.cnionline.org/
Activism on the ground
Siraj Center http://www.sirajcenter.org
Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People through http://www.pcr.ps/
(please note that for tax deductible donations from the US, please send you check or wire transfer top SBS with a note to indicate it is “for the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement” and mail to Society for Biblical Studies, 661 Massachusetts Avenue Suite 40, Arlington, MA 02476, http://www.sbsedu.org/)
And you can write to teh media about what you know and explain what is going on.
May your Christmas holiday be peaceful and your goodwill rewarded.
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Twilight Zone / Non-Jews need not apply By Gideon Levy
Palestine Remembered oral history and other activities featured on Al-Jazeera (English subtitles)
The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People, and the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) and Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies are honored to invite you to join the Shepherds' Nights, a two-day festival and series of activities which will be held in Beit Sahour, the Shepherds Field.
This will be the 41st year that citizens of area of Bethlehem (including Beit Sahour) celebrate these holidays under Israeli occupation. We are reminded that when Jesus was born, this land of the shepherds was also occupied by a foreign army. That came to an end and this occupation will come to an end. Join us as we pray and work for peace and celebrate the birth of the prince of peace.
My article "Christmas Under Occupation" was published in French "Noël sous occupation"
and in these other places

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