Saturday, November 15

A Palestinian's Story - No Space to be Child.

Andrew Silvera

A Palestinian's Story - No Space to be Child.

A Palestinian' s story of his escape from Gaza and his work for the
children in that area (excerpt). Now that he and his family are
living here(uk), he is willing and able to visit local PSC branches to
give a talk; it would be the full length version of this story, his
life story covering all the struggles of staying alive in Palestine.

I am a Palestinian whose family had lived for generations in the
village of Al-Maghar. Sixty years ago, during the Nakbah
(Catastrophe) , my grandparents and their whole family were expelled
from Al-Maghar, uprooted and sent to the huts and narrow streets of a
refugee camp 100 kms. away. After sixty years, still they taste the
bitterness of that loss and watch as the flames of that tragedy
continue to burn. As a child I was used to living in one of the huts
of the refugee camp, but as I got older and became aware of the
discontent inside the family, I would pester my father with
[more - or


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