Friday, November 21

Not News in the USA: Israeli hunger blockade of Gaza

The Empire of the Yoo Ess of Ey adores democracy. This nation's mission, given from god, is to make all the countries around the world in its mirror image - with elections, with a "free" market, with an elite beholden to the elite in this country.

The first step was to lock all the Jews in a ghetto, to separate them from the general population. Trade was restricted between the all-Jewish ghetto and the rest of the country, with German Army soldiers (Germans, Ukrainians, Estonians, etc) patrolling the perimeter to discourage any smuggling into the ghetto.

Discouraging by using their machine guns on anyone brave or foolish trying it.

The second step was to herd the Jews from the ghetto into so called "concentration camps", which really should be called death camps.

Indeed, the ghetto was the concentration part of the plan - that is where the Jewish victims of the German atrocity were herded. Places like Auschwitz were, plain and simple, industrial murder factories, which processed (killed) men, women and children, majority of them Jews. Hence calling, say, Auschwitz, a concentration camp is a misnomer in my view.

Now, about modern day history - happening now.

Israel is now re-doing the Nazi part one of the Holocaust plan - the concentration part.

Strong words - I need to back them up for my American audience, as, again, the news in this country is censored and so they are uninformed (hence the rest of the world gets the impression that us Americans are dumb - our news media is perhaps the main culprit for this).

Go to google, learn about the situation of Palestinians in Israel.

They live in ghettos, plain and simple.

The Independent article found here seems to bear me out.

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