this driver ,Mr. Hamdan
has had too many cakes !!
The Driver of Mr. Oussama Ben Laden
shall be released soon from the Guantanamo Bay Summer Resort
back to Sunni-Yemen to finish his sentence. of six years .
He must be very special being the driver of Oussama
and I wounder why a driver goes to prison ?? ,
when he never broke the traffic laws,
never crossed at a red light ,
never drunk alcohol while driving ,
never exceeded the speed limit.
This is not fair !! it must be then for some other reason !!
The driver is being punished for having
a passenger called Oussama Ben Ladin, a retired CIA's agent.
I wonder what punishment should get later ,
the other driver of George W. Bush
and of Tony Blair's ????
Maybe we ought to even imprison the Pilots of Air-Force-One , too ??!!
under that same logic.
Anyhow ,
Oussama is currently using other means of transportation
for we are unlikely going to see more Drivers punished this way
by the Greatest-Democracy on this planet.
Michael Schumacher exceeded the speed limits many times
and he never got to prison ....
In Beirut we all cross the red light, daily....unpunished !!!.
In the Netherlands we can even appeal against
a traffic-punishment-decision.
Anyhow ,
Drivers must beware whom they take as a passenger.
I know a Mad-driver who drove the West ,
into Iraq and Afghanistan
and nobody punished him.........(yet)

Eng. Moustafa

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