Saturday, November 22

In Case You Missed It - News Digest


Obama Tilts Rightwards
"This is the violin model: Hold power with the left hand, and play the music with your right."

Right-Wing Columnist Pleased With Obama's Appointments
The events of the past two weeks should be reassuring to anybody who feared that Obama would veer to the left.

Bush Adviser: It's Deja Vu All Over Again
"This is more 'Groundhog Day' than a fresh start."

Obama Aide Explains Obama-Clinton Detente
"[W]e were always fighting big battles over small differences."

McCain Buddy is Obama's Likely National Security Adviser
James Jones, a decorated Vietnam veteran and former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, is admired by Republicans and Democrats -- he is a close friend of John McCain -- and would bring particular expertise on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama Won't Punish Bush War Crimes
Barack Obama and his transition team are already getting off on the wrong foot, signaling that they have no intention of investigating anyone in the Bush administration for possible war crimes.

Nader: This is the Third Clinton Administration
The signs are amassing that Barack Obama put a political con job over on the American people. He is now daily buying into the entrenched military-industrial complex.

Much of Left Cuts Obama Slack
The sound from the left: not silence, but no howls of betrayal, either.

Obama v. the Left
Obama's campaign has already had a debilitating effect on the anti-imperialist movement.


Marines Got More Than They Bargained For
"We haven't won anything yet. We've got a long way to go.",0,1047589.story


Israel Brandishing U.S. Planes v. Iran
Israel acquired the F-16I, and added modifications of its own, to give itself the capability to attack far-off targets in countries such as Iran.


Iraqi Defense Minister: SOFA Doesn't Mean U.S. Withdrawal
He [held] open the possibility that some Americans might be needed after 2011 in certain vulnerable areas.

Stratfor: SOFA Consolidates the Occupation
If the SOFA passes, the United States will have a legally approved military presence in Iraq for at least the next three years. . . . [It] sets in place a strategic partnership between Baghdad and Washington for the longer term, thereby serving U.S. interests in maintaining a foothold in the region.

Iraqi Communist Party Supports SOFA and Continued Occupation
Among the Cabinet members voting to send the agreement to Parliament was the Iraqi Communist Party's Raid Fahmi. . . . Iraqi armed forces are not yet adequately prepared to deal with security challenges.

While Huge Protest Denounces SOFA
"We want them to leave today.",0,6845746.story

IVAW Speaker Urges GI Resistance
"If I was still in the army now and getting orders to Iraq, I would not go."


UN: Israel Blockade Leaves Gaza on Brink of Humanitarian Disaster
"It will be a catastrophe if this persists."

Gaza Hospitals Struggle to Save Lives Amid Israeli Siege
"[T]here are no tools for physicians to treat patients who suffer from lung, stomach, colon or brain cancers."

Israeli Gunboats Kidnap Gaza Fisherman, Internationals
"We've done nothing wrong. We are innocent, just trying to earn our living. Our boats are our only source of income."

Netanyahu Hires Obama Advisers
After designing a website similar to that of Barack Obama, Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu has now hired two of the US president-elect's advisors to help him in his election campaign.,7340,L-3626477,00.html

Shimon Peres Protested at Oxford
"As South Africans whose oppression was fueled by the Israeli state, and certainly Peres himself, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians who, for more than sixty years have lived under Israeli Apartheid."


Soldier, Accused of Rape and Murder at Home, Learned Skills in Iraq
"I'm becoming a true Black Raptor already. I'm becoming a cold-hearted killer and can kill without mercy or reason."

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