Sunday, November 30

Featured Sites for Sunday Nov 30th 2008

In alphabetical order:


Arab Women's Solidarity Association

Common Dreams News Center - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Connexions Information Sharing Services

Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding


Cross-Cultural Understanding - promoting peace through education

Daniel Patrick Welch - US writer, singer, translator and anti-war activist

Friends of Lebanon - For a better and more peaceful Lebanon

John Pilger

Information Clearing House - independent news, commentary and insight

Institute for Middle East Understanding

MediaLens - Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

Media Monitors Network

Muslim Public Affairs Committee (United Kingdom)

Muslim Association of Britain

Norman Finkelstein - Author of outstanding works on the Holocaust industry

Organizers' Collaborative - networking and resources for social change

Punkerslut Freethought - alternative ways of thought

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

Young Arab Project


Electronic Iraq - Online news project opposed to US aggression on Iraq

Iraq Body Count

Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation

Iraq's Nuclear Mirage

Iraq Occupation Focus: Campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq

Stop the War Coalition - opponents of aggression against Iraq

US Bombing Watch - Archive of US bombings, invasions and occupations of Iraq


Addameer - Palestinian Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association

Al-Awda - The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Al-Saher - Massive gallery of Israeli crimes in Palestine

Anis Online - political art website in German, English and Arabic

Association of the Palestinian Community in the UK

Bethlehem Bloggers - voices from the Bethlehem ghetto

Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG)

B'tselem - The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

Deir Yassin Remembered

DocJazz - Palestinian political art website

Electronic intifadah

Friends of Wadi Fuqeen

Future Vision Society

Gilad Atzmon - Israeli-born musician, writer and anti-racism campaigner

Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Bloc

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)

Jews Against Zionism

Jews NOT Zionists

Middle East Crisis Committee

Miftah - Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism

No Apartheid - The website of the Israeli Anti-Apartheid Movement

Not in My Name - Jews against injustice in Palestine/Israel

Not in Our Name Coalition - Jews against injustice in Palestine/Israel

Omayya Joha - Palestinian political cartoonist

Other Israel - Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Palestine Chronicle - News and commentary from Palestine, the Middle East and beyond

Palestine Media Watch - helping you react to anti-Palestinian media bias

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Palestine Remembered

PENGON - Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network

Rabbis For Human Rights

Rafah Today - photos and reports about occupied Rafah

Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center

Sambar - suppliers of Palestinian, Lebanese and other pins and flags

Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel - The grassroots Palestinian anti-Apartheid Wall campaign

Trans-Arab Research Institute

Twinning with Palestine

Uri Davis - Against Israeli Apartheid, For Freedom and Justice in Palestine

Ziopedia - all there is to know about Zionism


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