Monday, November 24

Actions For Palestine

First Sign of No Change: Obama hires his Chief of Staff, by Mazin Qumsiyeh (occupied West Bank)

Action 1: Write Obama and tell him how disappointed you are that his first appointment shows no change: Zionist racist and bigots remain in control. Demand real change! Use this link to write his transition team

Action 2: At 3:30 AM Sunday morning, the Israeli apartheid forces evicted a Palestinian elderly couple (Al-Kurd family) from their home in Sheikh Jarrah area of Arab East Jerusalem. They also arrested several International solidarity people who were having a continuous presence at the house to prevent such action. This after they already removed their son’s family from the neighborhood. Speak out against the continued ethnic cleansing of native Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem by writing to your media and ask Obama to get involved to stop this. To learn more about this particular area in Jerusalem, see and

The fourth Free Gaza boat arrived safely in Gaza but as we speak, some of the Internationals who joined Fishing boats are being subjected to attack by Israeli navy using water cannons and machine gun fire

I will be in the US and the first few days in December for a short visit but I am available to speak around the 5-9 December (Universal Declaration of Human Rights day, my book was subtitled Human Rights and the Israeli/Palestinian Struggle and I have a lopt more stories to tell before I go back to Palestine). For a recent report by a UN commission about Israeli violations of basic human righst in the occupied areas (and for the first time calling for sanctions), please see!OpenDocument

In good news, the settlers who were supposed (according to their website) to come to Ush Ghrab in Beit Sahour Sunday did not show up. IMHO, our collective previous civil resistance activities including planned ones here were significant. On this day we had dozens of children flying kites and having music etc (thanks to all the local and international volunteers). It was a sight to see at the liberated military camp ( ashort video shot by Andy Trimlett is here and google videos on Ush Ghrab).

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Having ”joyful participation in the sorrows of this world

In Beit Sahour, Palestine


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