Monday, October 13

The Canadian leaders and where they stand and have done in regards to Palestine

Dear friends,

A few pointers that should be considered when casting your votes in the Canadaian Federal Election

Omar Shaban

Liberal Party of Canada:

• Michael Ignatieff of the Liberal apologized for labelling the Israeli aggression against
Lebanon as war crimes.

• Bob Rae is an ardent supporter of Israel and served as an officer on the Jewish
National Fund (an agency with a sole purpose of Palestinian land expropriation).

• Irwin Cotler does not spare a chance to demonize the Palestinian people and the
resistance. He is a frequent visitor of Apartheid Israel and might as well become a
member of the Knesset rather than the Canadian Parliament.

• Hedy Fry was the head of the Canadian delegation to the Durban conference which
shamelessly walked out when resolutions concerning Israel’s terrible track record of
war crimes and human rights violations were adopted.

• Ken Dryden announced in a statement that Canada should cut all aid to the
Palestinians in Gaza strip. (a statement which he later said that it was taken out of
context and that it was directed to the democratically elected Palestinian

• Paul Martin said in a speech in front of the United Jewish Communities 2005
General Assembly that “Israel's values are Canada's values -- shared values --
democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of human rights.”

• Stephane Dion refused to take action against Ken Dryden as he incites hate against
the Palestinian people.

• Jean Chretien’s government signed the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement which,
inter alia, allows Canada to import products from areas where Israel customs laws
apply (that includes the occupied Golan Heights, West Bank and East Jerusalem)

• The Liberal Party of Canada issued an adverstisement that can be found on this link:

Conservative Party of Canada:

• Stephen Harper’s government was the first to announce the imposition of sanctions
on the newly democratically elected Palestinian government, and was the first
country to announce boycotting the anti-racism conference to be held in 2009.

• Stockwell Day, the Conservative Minister of Public Safety, signed an agreement
with Apartheid Israel to cooperate on public safety.

• Stephen Harper described the aggressive attack on Lebanon in 2006 as a measured
response at a time when thousands of Lebanese were internally displaced, killed
and wounded.

• Joe Clark speaking about Brain Mulroney said in a speech: “His record of friendship
and leadership is unsurpassed.”

New Democratic Party:

• The NDP posted the following on their website:
Canada’s Role in the World

Jack Layton and the New Democrats will:

Provide robust support to the United Nations and its work in conflict resolution,
peacekeeping, and global co-operation.

Participate in international efforts to bring peace, justice and stability to the Darfur
region of Sudan and to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Re-establish Canada as a leader for global peace and disarmament by renewing
efforts to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, ban cluster bombs, and control
trade in small arms and light weapons.

Work with partners for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine, within a
framework of respect for UN resolutions and international law. This means
recognition of the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to live in peaceful co-
existence in viable, independent states with negotiated, agreed-upon borders; no
settlements remaining in the Palestinian state; an end to Israeli occupation of
Palestinian land; an end to loss of life of innocent civilians; and an international
peacekeeping presence.

The track record of the two parties who have even been in power is clear. It is your vote, so
use it wisely.

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