Saturday, October 11

9/11 Truth nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008

9/11 Truth nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008 The reason for the nomination of David Ray Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement to the Nobel Peace Prize 2008, is that the wars of the 21st century – what the U.S. President has called 'The global war on terror' - are justified with a tragic event: the attacks against New York and Washington on the 11th of September, 2001.

From The Article:
"In recent years, however, the 9/11 Truth Movement and their outstanding academic David Ray Griffin presented strong evidence that the attacks of 11 September were not carried out by Islamist terrorists, as we have been told, but by a U.S. 'war lite' as an excuse to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq (wars that were already approved). David Ray Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement have presented convincing evidence showing that this 'war elite' carried out these attacks to establish a new enemy after the Cold War, and to start wars in line with their economic and political interests. We believe the most important contribution to peace in the 21st century is the disclosure of these elite political games and the removal of the false reasons for its aggressive wars. This Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement have done in an excellent way. If the attack on 11 September was a U.S. 'false flag operation' to justify wars in the Middle East, the disclosure of that fact should be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. We therefore nominate this David Ray Griffin and the 9/11 Truth Movement to share the Nobel Peace Prize for 2008."
(In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell)


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