Monday, September 1

Paul McCartney To Perform in Israel - Time to Protest

Urgent action is needed.

Please write to Sir Paul (info below).

Paul McCartney to perform in Israel,7340,L-3586599,00.html

PACBI letter to the Beatles:

Sample Letter:

Sir Paul McCartney

It is with great sadness that I hear that you will be including Israel on your upcoming tour in September. I am writing to ask you to reconsider this.

As I'm sure you are aware the state of Israel continues to breach international and human rights law by its illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and treatment of the Palestinian people. As well as the constant attacks by the Israeli army and armed settlers, Palestinian land is systematically stolen, houses demolished and crops destroyed. For over a year now the state of Israel has been carrying out a slow genocide in the Gaza Strip, maintained a tight blockade over its inhabitants, denying them medical aid, food and fuel for the electricity supply, affecting all aspects of life including sewage.

Israel’s actions have been heavily criticised by leading human rights organisations, ex-President Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu and UN human rights observers, however it is able to continue due to the political, financial, commercial and cultural support it receives from the international community. By giving a concert in Israel at this time you will be seen to be condoning Israel’s actions while ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people.

Your music has always been associated with hopeful and free aspirations, this reputation will undoubtedly be tarnished should this concert go ahead. Boycotts are a non violent opportunity for people everywhere to show their disapproval when governments refuse to carry out their obligations under international law. As was the case in apartheid South Africa, it was the courageous stand of people from all works of life around the world which finally helped to end apartheid. Palestinian artists, trade unionists, teachers, writers, film-makers and non-governmental organizations, supported by an increasing number of brave Israelis, have called for a comparable boycott of Israel, as offering another path to a just peace
Today there is a growing movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions in the UK and internationally, which will continue until Israel treats its Palestinian citizens and Palestinians in the Occupied Territories justly and fairly. I urge you to reconsider your proposal to tour Israel.

To be sent to:

Paul McCartney
1 Soho Square
London W1V6HD


Stuart Bell || Media Director
The Outside Organisation Ltd
Butler House
177-178 Tottenham Court Road
London W1T 7NY
T: + 44 (0)20 7436 3633
F: + 44 (0)20 7462 2920

Please copy to the PSC


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1 comment:

  1. You've got to be kidding. In Tel Aviv, Paul can sing to a huge gathering of Jews, Muslims and Christians. Where else in the MidEast can that occur? Who else is inviting him?
