Monday, June 16

Sarah and Haggar.......

If the texts in Bible were to be

 100% reliable

and also unambigvalent

then ,

 God must have given ( or promised) the Land

to the grand-children of Abraham .

and not necessarely to the

"adherents to the religion-of-Abraham"

because, at that moment of that promise

it did not exist yet.

What happens if and when

those Grand-Children became Christians

like George Habash

and Edward Saiid ??


what happens if and when

those Grand-Children  became Muslim

like Ismail Hanniyah ??


what happens when those Israelis

never ever were the Grand-Children ??


Olmert, Sharon and Perez

Golda Meier

Kirk Douglas , Paul Neuman

Sammy Davis Jr.



To whom ,exactly ,

was this Land Promised ?


who may inherit Abraham's Land ??


Besides all that ,

why would God take away a Land

from the Kananites-people

and then give it to the Chaldeans-tribes??



why should the son of Sarah inherit

his father and mother

and not the son of Haggar  ??

who, indeed , was the first-born ?? !


Raja Chemayel

a grand son of Haggar,

Sarah was my step-grand-mother

and Abraham was fully my Grand Father.


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