Raja Chemayel
The world is still expecting any progress on the Palestine-Israeli-negotiation-front .
I am afraid everybody will be disappointed because very soon , Olmert will be charged and convicted for bribery Bush will be charged with lying about everything he did Abbas will be caught for buying 5 Mercedes-Benz with the EU-subsidies. Tony Blair will be voted as the lair of the Century Ismail Hanniyah will die from hunger Husny Moubarak will die from obesity Arab-Kings will all die ,simply, from old-age , because tyranny and corruption are not punishable by local-laws.
Benjamin Nathaniahu will be back and he shall negotiate with Colonel Qaddafi whether to return the Spanish Sahara to Spain or to Algeria . Anyhow , there is still 22% of Palestine not yet stolen (although fully occupied) so the Zionists have not finished their work yet. In the meantime , we shall all follow that Olympic Torch closely or see who will win the Cannes-Festival-best-film or assist at the European Fooball Cup. By the end , they will leave us a five-square-inch piece of Land where we shall plant the Palestinian Flag , and call it " the Two-States-Solution." Raja Chemayel 21st of May 2008 |
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