Sunday, May 25

Palestine Blogs May 24 2008

Silent protest in Shufa village,
Tulkarem, against Israeli road-blocks

On Friday 23rd May, approximately 100 Palestinians from the village
of Shufa and Tulkarem city, along with international activists, demonstrated
against the closure of Shufa's main road. In...


Ben Heine © Cartoons) There was a total blackout on this in
the Israeli press until a few minutes ago. To be honest and fair,
I do not think it was intentional, it was the Jewish Sabbath and most...

Iran - Palestinian Talks Over Rafah
Crossing and Golan Hights

Hiyam Noir May 24 2008 The exiled top leader and politburo
chief of Hamas, Khaled Mash'al, on Saturday repeated his ruling
party's determination to break up the ongoing Israeli blockade on Gaza...

US political author Norman Finkelstein denied entry to Israel

Taken from Jerusalem -
The US political author and critic of Israel Norman Finkelstein was
denied entry to the Jewish state on Friday, his lawyer said. Finkelstein landed...

IMEMC: Palestine Investment Conference -

Changing the face of the crisis

By Aaron Lakoff - International Middle East Media Center
To view original article click here An interview with Dawood
Hamoudeh of Stop the Wall The Palestine Investment
Conference (PIC), taking...

Right to Enter: International investors
warned about accessing foreign investment in
occupied Palestinian territory

By the Campaign for the Right of Entry/Re-Entry. To view website
click here As hundreds of international investors begin arriving in
Bethlehem for the Palestine Investment Conference scheduled for...


Click on image to enlarge Image by Skulz Fontaine

It's Time for a Declaration of Independence From Israel

The former New York Times Mideast bureau chief warns that America's
foreign policy, particularly under the Bush administration, has been
subverted by an aggressive and dangerous Israeli agenda that could
launch a nightmarish regional war. Israel, with...

It's Time for a Declaration of Independence From Israel

The former New York Times Mideast bureau chief warns that America's
foreign policy, particularly under the Bush administration, has been
subverted by an aggressive and dangerous Israeli agenda that could
launch a nightmarish regional war. Israel, with...

Annie's letters 2008-05-24 16:35:00

Sat May 24, 11:02 AM ETPrev 5 of 422 NextPalestinian...

Haaretz - Panel: Ultra-Orthodox settlement
should be city, despite illegal construction

By Akiva Eldar, published in Haaretz. To view original article
click here The ultra-Orthodox settlement of Modi'in Illit in the
West Bank should be granted city status despite suspicions that...

Video: Olberman's Special Comment
On Hillary Clinton Remark on Robert Kennedy's
Assasination in June 1968

May 23-24 2008 Clinton Kennedy Assassination Reference: Raises Bobby's Death To Explain Why She Stays In Race Huffington Post UPDATE: This post has been amended to include responses from the...

Israeli checkpoints increasing in the West Bank,
UN report says

Date: 24 / 05 / 2008 Jerusalem – Ma'an – Israel added a net 44 obstacles
to Palestinian movement in the West Bank since last September, a new
report from the United Nations Office for the...

It's Time for a Declaration of Independence From Israel

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig Posted on July 6, 2007, Speech delivered
Thursday, May 22, 2008, at Princeton University Israel, without the
United States, would probably not exist. The country came...


RE: McCain Rejects Pastor's Backing Over Remarks
Dear Editor, Kudos to McCain for rejecting Hagee's toxic...

It's Time for a Declaration of Independence From Israel

~ "Dear friends, Below please find the text of a superb speech delivered
yesterday, Thursday, May 22, 2008, at Princeton University by Chris
Hedges, a former Middle East bureau chief of the New York...

Gaza cannot be compared to Holocaust
By Ali Moossavi - The Arab American News
Gaza cannot be compared to Holocaust By Ali Moossavi -
The Arab American News ...

American Palestinians move from al-Nakba to
organizing By Will Youmans - The Arab American News
American Palestinians move from al-Nakba to organizing By Will Youmans
- The Arab American News ...

Get Over It

Last night I had a sudden notion of redemption, you may say it
was some sort of an epiphany, but not quite exactly. It was
something I realized was happening gradually but it's reached the peak just...

New report details Palestinian plight (Middle East Times)
New report details Palestinian plight By JOHN ZAROCOSTAS (Middle East...

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